Threads by latest replies - Page 2238

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Famous artist cartoon course

No.5138053 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Highly recommend this course to begs. Its pretty amazing, its like they took all the best artist of the time period created an avengers squad and made the ultimate art book / mini school.

Seriously, some of the best instruction ive seen. So pick up the pdfs they even give you instructions on what and how you should be studying.
(328 replies)

/BEG/ Thread

No.5133252 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the Drawthread with fundamental exercises.


1. screenshot the image and post that instead
2. change camera capture settings to something smaller
3. send to computer and resize in

Sticky document:

Take your time, you can do it.
Previous Thread: >>5129419
323 posts and 147 images omitted
(39 replies)
No.5136237 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What was the last piece of art to evoke a strong emotional response from you?
34 posts and 16 images omitted
(9 replies)
No.5136667 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just watched a 200 episodes soap opera about a music school.What are your thoughts on a TV series that is focused on an art school instead? There will be all sorts of wacky scenarios and such.
4 posts and 2 images omitted
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Some people find my art style kind of weird

No.5131873 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is that? I either render with a standard style or try to draw with a classic comic-like style with hatching and black shading (since I also read a lot of european comics other than manga) and watercolor imitation brush. There seems to be a problem with both styles according for a few people: for the first one someone couldn't even understand if it is western or manga (he also said something among the lines of "reminds me of Twokinds"), for the second one a few people said my hatching looks like how Tumbrl artists draw hair and there hava been a few critiques even for the shading too. I am improving at a fast rate since I try to draw everyday but I want to make sure my art looks appealing too, can I fix this by just continuing drawing with a purpose?
24 posts and 15 images omitted
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(8 replies)
No.5137070 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is image streaming a legitimate technique?
Anyone tried? Anyone had any results?
Mainly in terms of improving visualization of course.
If not, do you know any techniques/exercises that do work?
3 posts omitted
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No.5137363 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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