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Black Science

No.123351060 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Animated comic adaptations finally in full swing and will likely increase because of Invincible's success
>Rick & Morty, Final Space, etc shows animated science fiction is popular among adult viewers
>Cool artstyle
Cartoon when?
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(44 replies)
No.123340858 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Still relevant after 50 years
Yeah, it's kino. Bakshi's timeless counter-counter-culture film has surpassed the generations.
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(46 replies)
No.123348880 ViewReplyOriginalReport
whats the most autistic thing you've seen at a comic convention ?
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(5 replies)
No.123352392 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm trying to find those nazi huey edits but I forgot the name of the place where the cartoon drawings are archived so help a brotha out will ya
(70 replies)

Beta ray Bill #3 storytime

No.123341818 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is it morally correct to fuck your ship?
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(11 replies)

Superman Adaptations

No.123347416 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Batman franchise has had:
>comics that are regarded as some of the best comics of all time
>(The Dark Knight Returns. The Killing Joke. maybe Batman: Year One)
>an animated show that's regarded as one of the best animated shows of all time
>(Batman: The Animated Series)
>movies that are regarded as some of the best movies of all time
>(The Dark Knight and Joker [2019] )
>games that are regarded as some of the best games of all time
>(Arkham Asylum and Arkham City)
Why Superman always get the short stick compared to Batman? My personal theory is that for some reason, Superman's Sci Fi roots are very ignored, which lead to Superman adapatations sidelining his real cool villains and lore and reducing everything to Metropolis (which is dull, as the charm of Metropolis characters is how they interact with the sci fi things like aliens)
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(38 replies)
No.123350490 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Invincible show airs on Amazon
>people watch it
>they respond to it by going to read the comics, many of them for the first time

How the FUCK did Invincible manage to pull off what the MCU and the DCEU have never managed to do? Marvel Comics and DC Comics would kill for people to respond to their movies by actually buying the comics they're based on. Yet nobody has done this for either Marvel of DC, but they're doing it for Invincible. How did Invincible/Image manage to crack the code?
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(73 replies)
No.123346835 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>makes Ed Edd n Eddy based solely off of a dare to make a kid's show
>it becomes one of CN's longest running and beloved shows
>ends with the series having a conclusive and satisfying ending
>owns the rights to it so no fear of shitty live-action reboots

Antonucci stays winning
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(5 replies)
No.123349660 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Help me /co/ you're my only hope. I'm looking for a digital version of the 6 issue Blade Max series from 2002. I haven't had any luck.