Threads by latest replies - Page 9886

(21 replies)
No.125826845 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I hope Joker 2 is another origin story for a new, different joker. just a universe where everyone becomes the joker independently and start stepping on each other's toes
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(5 replies)
No.125827992 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some good fantasy comics released in the past 5 years that I should read? Episodes, arcs etc.
(148 replies)
No.125803437 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Autistic girl
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(48 replies)


No.125821996 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Twins got another scene where each one supports a different guy
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(25 replies)
No.125826110 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Writers or Artists that are an automatic skip for you

<this hack
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(26 replies)
No.125828283 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>was one of the leading figures in the fight against segregation
>Claimed comics objectified women
>claimed superman spread fascist values
>Claimed comics were racist
Why is he used as an example of conservative censorship, the guy was a huge lib outside of disliking homosexuals (which was just a normal thing back then)
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No.125828879 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(54 replies)

Modern Cartoons

No.125819818 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I had kept up with the Western animation scene for many years both because I enjoy the format and I believe the shows being fed to the youth impact their development

The last major show I watched was Wander Over Yonder. After it was cancelled it seemed like many of the juggernauts of my childhood either came to an end or stopped being aired in favor of stuff like TTG

I've been trying to get back into animation and as far as I can tell some of the major toons of the new age are:

Revived Spongebob ( mostly being kept afloat because it had a huge resurgence in popularity via memes and that big superbowl thing that didn't end up panning out )
Star vs The Forces of Evil
The Loud House
Teen Titans Go ( just played on a constant 24/7 loop on CN for the last several years and has left a profound impact on the psyche of the upcoming generation simply as a result of exposure )
Centaurworld ( been seeing this talked about a lot and while I thought this was essentially crack for tween at the start, I have to admit that it grew on me )
Infinity Train
Owl House

I recently watched all of these except the last 3 ( and TTG ) and they seem Gravity Falls inspired ( a show I enjoyed a lot ) with Amphibia and Owl House having SvtFoE style animation

Note: I didn't count Rick and Morty because I view that as legacy animation that has managed to maintain its popularity

What do you guys think the major shows of the modern age are?
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(5 replies)
No.125828446 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Is his dad molesting him?