Threads by latest replies - Page 9888

(5 replies)
No.125826478 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: terrible merchandise
(7 replies)
No.125825732 ViewReplyOriginalReport
powergirl's suit is so stupid, how can she fly with that boob window? pic is related
2 posts omitted
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No.125828404 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If Batman's parents were brutally beaten to death, would he go around exclusively shooting criminals while avoiding using his fists?
(11 replies)
No.125825159 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who is your favorite character in the MCU and why? I love DS because he is the closest to Tony Stark personality wise and i find his powers and Universe/Multiverse plots to be truly interesting.
6 posts and 3 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.125827889 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I haven't read Three Jokers. Are there any references to this classic CapeKino, or did Johns not do his homework?
(5 replies)
No.125827691 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey Parker.
(14 replies)


No.125825598 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Written by: Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson.

Art by: Dev Pramanik.

Covers by: Evan Cagle, Christian Ward.

>Description: Leto, the newly crowned Duke of House Atreides, finally unearths the plot behind his father's untimely death, and suddenly must prepare to stand trial for a terrible crime he did not commit. And even as Baron Harkonnen's evil plan appears to be working, another coup is underway as Shaddam begins his own coronation as supreme ruler.

Pages: 40.

Price: $4.99.

Available: September 22.
9 posts and 9 images omitted
(18 replies)
No.125821931 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why was Clarence a huge hit while Harvey Beaks failed? Both were slice-of-life shows dealing with kids in the suburbs
13 posts omitted
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No.125827840 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was Timmy justified in breaking their relationship?
Years later it kind of reminds me of One More Day or the botched Batman/Catwoman wedding
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Backgrounds & Scenery

No.125827896 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A thread for appreciating backgrounds, backdrops and general scenery.