Threads by latest replies - Page 9885

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Adventure Time Thread

No.125829001 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Soo... Finn totally lost his virginity to LSP. It's like the most blatant thing ever. Does that make him the first animated children's show protagonist to punch in his V-card during an actual episode?
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No.125829094 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Before Morrison's run, how big was the mutant population implied to be?
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No.125829974 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This mink is hot
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OTP Thread

No.125826834 ViewReplyOriginalReport
First Ship edition
What was your first ship anons?

For me it was Timothy and Yoko
6 posts and 2 images omitted
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No.125829987 ViewReplyOriginalReport
La quiero con mayonesa, sin ketchup y con mostaza, dejale el tomate pero sacale la lechuga y la carne. Dejale el oregano, pero reemplazame la cebolla por la gaseosa y agrandame las papas y cambiamelas por un cono de vainilla. Y si no tenés de vainilla, ponele ketchup a la comida y agrandame el menú por 50 centavos. Pero no le pongas condimentos al helado porque vengo del cine y ella se llama Valentina.
(12 replies)
No.125829223 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>He's better than everyone at everything
>That's it. That's his character.
7 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.125821012 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gorgeous pupper
15 posts and 5 images omitted
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