Threads by latest replies - Page 6

(83 replies)

Bunny Boys Thread

No.3037673 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Breeding season is next month, so can we please get some bunny / rabbit boys please.

Can be actual bunny boys, boys in bunny suits, vieras, etc.
78 posts and 58 images omitted
(49 replies)


No.3073431 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Remember: NO TOP DEKU!!!
44 posts and 43 images omitted
(34 replies)

Can we get a shirtless anime guy thread

No.3071143 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Official anime not fanart
29 posts and 27 images omitted
(90 replies)


No.3038687 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
shark boys, octopus men, and other undersea creatures/monsters. Post whatever style of males as long as they fit the theme.

If the usual retarded cunt comes in and derails over le 'hentai' 'ugly baras' 'femboys' or whatever else, ignore and report her dumb shitposting ass.
85 posts and 68 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.3073129 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post femboys doing yoga stretches
(121 replies)

Native American

No.3070346 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For Native American Heritage Month, post hot Indigenous men
116 posts and 106 images omitted
(5 replies)

complete degradation 5

No.3074854 ViewReplyOriginalReport
does anyone have a source where u can read the last chapter of complete degradation 5 by schweinchen 31?? I can't find it anywhere and I cannot buy it from the artist directly because dlsite is banned in my country. its like the only hentai that I enjoy and I need to know how it ends
(44 replies)

Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts

No.3070658 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post men from the games. NO SMALL TOPS!!
39 posts and 38 images omitted
(11 replies)

/agt/ - Anonymous Guy Thread #5

No.3069686 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A thread focused on posting anonymous (or faceless) figures in drawings.

Preferred anonies in thread:
Faceless/Featureless characters, silhouettes, Y/N, stickman, OC (if you have one), etc...

Patrick Fillion characters are not anonymous and are off-topic for this thread.
Report any trolling and floods in thread. You can coom in the thread, by the way.

Return to the legacy:
6 posts and 5 images omitted
(49 replies)


No.3063156 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bad ends. Cute guys being assailed, wounded, beaten, and abused in a non-traditional setting (e.g. not in sports or MMA >>3060408).
Doujin sharing is highly encouraged.
All good quality art styles welcome- NO hyper, filth, hardcore gore, prepubescents/shota, nor scat.
AI is also welcome, refrain from spamming same-y gens.
Report/Ignore off topic posts/spam and file complaints @ or instead of derailing
>Related threads
Amputee: >>3053929
Choking: >>3061386
Rape: >>3063009
Wrestling/Sports: >>3060408
Alt Boys: >>3031279
44 posts and 38 images omitted