Threads by latest replies - Page 12
isnt he so handsome
Post boys getting their minds toyed with.
he’s actually a 700 year old middle aged divorced dad in a midge body
the mathias scenes I can't find them anywhere, someone out there will have them as he is an old character and the best thing is that he is so sexy that I need them.
anime r63 thread is here >>3043454
All Faerun men welcomed. No spamming.
i want some twinks
Aka Attack on Titan.
**Don’t enter if you don’t want spoilers, the manga ended 2 years ago and it’s not 4chan’s job to baby you.**
>Post: Any male ships/characters, small tops/doms, big tops/doms, bara (e.g. Reiner), traps (e.g. pts Armin), gyakuryona, rape, pre-timeskip OR timeskip, and content with spoilers.
>Do not post: Images with women in them, foot/muskfag shit, off-topic art, flame wars/bait, beastiality, men with breasts, hyper/oversized cocks, gaping holes, guro, lactation or other strange/disgusting content.
**Don’t enter if you don’t want spoilers, the manga ended 2 years ago and it’s not 4chan’s job to baby you.**
>Post: Any male ships/characters, small tops/doms, big tops/doms, bara (e.g. Reiner), traps (e.g. pts Armin), gyakuryona, rape, pre-timeskip OR timeskip, and content with spoilers.
>Do not post: Images with women in them, foot/muskfag shit, off-topic art, flame wars/bait, beastiality, men with breasts, hyper/oversized cocks, gaping holes, guro, lactation or other strange/disgusting content.