Threads by latest replies - Page 2241

(44 replies)
No.5134225 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we say that modern manga looks better than modern american comics easily?
>Mangakas still care about hatching
>Not ruined by shitty coloring
>better character designs and waifus
>isn't infested by feminazis
>doesn't have the ugly influence of the big 2
>people say "indie comics are better hurr durr" but shit like Saga, Wicked + Divine and Sex Criminals have hideous art styles and character designs, not to mention poor lineart care and are ruined by the coloring as well
>The few good artists are sadly still all only in the capeshit industry
>Is actually popular and has a dedicated fanbase
>actual genre variety, Dungeon Meshi, Made In Abyss and Witch Hat Atelier all belong to the fantasy genre, but are very different from each other thematic and style wise. How many modern fantasy comic that are not based on existing franchises exist?
39 posts and 9 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.5136944 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I keep coming back to this place from time to time hoping you faggots would actually discurs worthwile stuff but you are still obsessing over random Japanese artists who learned how to do basic perspective last week.Ive been getting way better at drawing since quitting 4chan ,maybe you should do thatt too seethe cope dilate.
(7 replies)

Upload size

No.5136223 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I came across a post about art theft and that spooked me a little bit. It’s funny because that has never ever came across my mind until now.

What’s a good resolution to upload your work online? I’m taking not just social media but also portfolio sites.
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1.9 million references

No.5136817 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The british museum has now 1.9 million images on their website.


You can search for various terms and refine your search by selecting e.g. which kinds of objects you want to see. Not all images are high resolution, but if you want to know how various old to ancient stuff looks like, there's your source. Have fun.

Pic related, it's ancient coom
(20 replies)


No.5134598 ViewReplyOriginalReport
only the finest
15 posts and 5 images omitted
(42 replies)

Socialist/Left Wing Art General - SWAG #1

No.5136564 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Left-wing art thread, post art made by leftists and art that espouses left-wing ideals
37 posts and 23 images omitted
(45 replies)
No.5130607 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>art is actually pretty easy to learn once you have all the right resources, motivation, time and place and life
>you wasted so much time being a retard
40 posts and 3 images omitted
(23 replies)
No.5135331 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>careful with those girls, furrys and stuff
18 posts and 4 images omitted
(5 replies)

Bros... he's so good.

No.5136571 ViewReplyOriginalReport
(5 replies)
No.5136287 ViewReplyOriginalReport