Threads by latest replies - Page 14

(204 replies)

Shota thread

No.3939069 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Merry shotamas edition.

Previous: >>3937362
Girly shota: >>3938495
Kemoshota: >>3938869
199 posts and 150 images omitted
(12 replies)

Manga Thread

No.3928713 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Top tier femboy artist
>Gives his BL manga the most soul-crushingly depressing ending possible
This shit honestly ruined my night.
But what have you guys been reading? Any recommendations? Anything cute for a pick-me-up?
7 posts and 3 images omitted
(155 replies)

Brave Bang Bravern

No.3934890 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
more bang for your buck.
previous thread >>3929753
150 posts and 146 images omitted
(97 replies)

Happy Holidays!

No.3934122 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's post holiday boys! (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc!)
92 posts and 88 images omitted
(160 replies)
No.3933566 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Other /m/echa also welcome
Prev >>3923685
155 posts and 146 images omitted
(157 replies)

Death Note #6

No.3913383 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Mods purged the board? Well I wasn't done with these Death Note threads.
Previous >>3911331
152 posts and 148 images omitted
(124 replies)

South Park #71

No.3915020 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
a thread for cute boys from colorado
119 posts and 115 images omitted
(49 replies)

Crossdressing Thread #5

No.3917919 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A thread for posting older-looking (pubescent/post-pubescent, no prepubescent shotas!) crossdressers, traps, otoko no ko, etc. Ignore, hide, and report all bait and tranny/tranny-adjacent posts. No Genshin Impact, either- we're all tired of seeing it.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Previous: >>3913297

All traps: >>3914609

Shota traps: >>3914429
44 posts and 39 images omitted
(40 replies)

Ensemble Stars!!

No.3913637 ViewReplyOriginalReport
New thread so I'm posting the new faces first.
Esu is very cute.
35 posts and 33 images omitted
(169 replies)

Genshin Impact

No.3929511 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Drunkard Shota Edition

prev >>3924543

Handy filter: /^IMG_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9](\.jpg$)?(\.png$)?/i;boards:cm;op:no
164 posts and 150 images omitted