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LinuxMINT rage

No.110344 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok so I install linux mint and, fresh

Package manager etc will not install programs just hangs

Ok use terminal wait no easy way to instal drop box need a bundle of dependancies unlcear what list is.

ok try to install veracrypt no clear way to to it for mint, also veraycrypt site hangs on download but same file can download on my OSX.

Why the fuck does linux just not work.
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No.110323 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what board are you from?
what's your favourite board?
what do you think of the other boards?

I'm an /out/ist and /extraflag/ger
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No.110322 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have we been abandoned?
When was the last time a mod or Hiro posted anything? Remember when mods and moot would post here and then and it'd bring the community together to reply? I miss that.
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VIP Plays Games

No.110293 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, I would like to discuss VIP games. So basically, these are games with a niche community, obviously, that aren't entirely dead, but might be a little "slow". I invite you guys to play with me a game similar to that of amongus, but with only chat. It's called "epicmafia". You can play it at epicmafia.org

It use to be a com site, but the admin decided one day to turn down 40,000 USD and shut the entire website down instead. The most crappy members of the community have left since there's nothing to really parasite off of anymore. Also don't bother trying to gain escalated privilege's. You would be surprised the level of difficult it is now that it's already been abused.
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vip IRL

No.110287 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lets crowdfund a digital billboard in Jew York and stream it scrolling all posts itt 24/7
Posts with trips will get a spotlight from time to time and flamboyantly flash whatever inane shit it's written.

A medium digital billboard is 5k and a large one 15k for 4 weeks.

Donate crypto here;

possible FAQ:

>Are you serious?
Dead serious.

>If there's not enough money what will happen to the donations?
I will donate it to the Red Cross

>How long does it take once money is gathered?
2-4 weeks depending on the spot

>Will you run away with the money?
No, but it's up to you to believe me, I won't create a gofundme or whatever the fuck.
If you wanna go through the hassle you're free to replicate the idea in another thread.
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