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No.14427040 ViewReplyOriginalReport
when people spend longer with no food and get hungrier, the food appears to taste better the hungrier one gets, is there a name for the phenomenon?
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Developing a virus that only attacks based on human characteristics?

No.14416393 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could I, by modifying and or inserting DNA to a virus base, develop a transmissible virus that only attacks people that are short, people with slanted eyes, or people with green eyes?

Israel was developing something similar to kill all the arabs. I'm not educated in this field so please spoonfeed.
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The global current ant war

No.14422441 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any entomologist here?

Who do you think will win in the current global ant war?

Every day trillions of quadrillions of billions of ant soldiers and ant civilians die in the continent and entire countries wide trenches between the big argentinian global empire and multiple country side local giant colonies of smaller super powers challenging the argentinian global empire.

There's also thousands of smaller ant entire nations as well engaging in the global ant war.
There's literal ant species who have a wide range of ant soldiers who are literally biological weapons to fight the other ant armies.

Some ants have developed chemical artillery, as well as others have developed some kind of long range jumps skills, as well as multiple species being literal gigantic heads that work as fucking armored tanks to kill the enemy soldier ants, and they can't even feed themselves but need worker ants to feed.
There's others who have evolved to literally explode and do shit like suicide vest attacks on enemy front lines.
Others have evolved units that sacrifice themselves to block the entrance to give enough time for the workers to save as many ant babies they can carry.
Others have evolved literally spies to infest the enemy collony to gain protection, live as parasites or just steal resources.
They also have evolved scout units as well.

Those niggas literally live in warharmmer 40k.
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The Origins of the Cosmos and the Decay of Logic

No.14427254 ViewReplyOriginalReport
No matter if you believe that all of existence began from nothing or it simply always existed, the absurdity of reason is inflates and the decay of logic blooms. If everything came from a primary non contingent cause such as a "God" then logic ceases to bear the same weight. On the other hand, if the universe always existed, there is the problem of infinite regress, which again causes the integrity of logic to stumble. The second premise also is extremely vulnerable to non logical occurrences and phenomenons in nature, happenings in which we call "miracles". Both scenarios imply some kind of transcendent understanding that defies reason and necessitates "faith" or conjecture as some of you like to say. TLDR: Reason mutates into Faith.
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Ensuring the best mental performance during an exam

No.14426983 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>energy drinks and caffeine/guarana pills literally don't work on me
>coffee makes me want to take a shit immediately or after 1-2 hours, so I can't drink it before an exam
>weak correlation between the amount of sleep and mental performance during the day; sometimes i'm perfectly sharp after 6-7 hours, and sometimes i'm pothead mode after 9-10 hours
Assuming external conditions are perfect (8-10 hours of sleep, hydrated etc), are there other ways to be sharp and focused during a math exam?
No adderall or meme nootropics that cost 200$ per package
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No.14426118 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have 3 boxes. One box contains 2 silver coins. One box contains 2 gold coins. One box contains a silver and a gold coin.

I reach into Box 1 and pull out a silver coin. I reach into Box 2 and pull out another silver coin. What is the chances that Box 3 contains 2 gold coins?
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No.14427333 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did humans evolve to have an imagination and creative spirit? Was there a survival/reproduction benefit to it? Do other animals have the ability to create whatever they want in their heads but simply don't have the communication or artistic ability to express it like we can?
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Quantum mechanics textbook

No.14423875 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do I choose Townsend or Griffiths, if I have to choose only 1 then which one?
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No.14423778 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should they have done it?
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