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No.14398459 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The doctors have rejected the options to give my great grandmother a feeding tube. She had to undergo esophageal dilation surgery, while it was only a futile effort knowing that she would need repeated procedures the the first one would drain her completely. Stepping back in time even further, They started starving her to run tests that they would later not even do, basically depriving her of nutrients for no reason just to back peddle. Then because she was weak from being starved they had to wait till she gained some strength for the surgery knowing that it wouldn't take shape. Now instead of giving her a feeding tube to get her stronger for a second surgery like they wanted the hospital just wants to wash their hands of her and put her back into our care with a 3 weeks to live warning. The could put her asleep and feed her though her nose but they are telling us she might die by pulling on it upon waking up. So I have many thoughts and I am upset. Why couldnt she be recommended to some kinda of specialist who Might have new ideas or second opinions? What kind of dysfunction at the hospital made them blunder so hard and leave her this weak to begin with and then not even perform the tests they thought they needed? How do we find help and information needed to get my grandmother help? And, What do we need to know to beable to care for her if she gets sent back to us and how can we get her the calories and nutrients that she needs to outlive this grim sentence?

I feel Like we have exhausted all normie options just doing what we are told by people in authority positions so In this struggle I have came here to search for opinions.
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Okay so let me get this straight

No.14398862 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Due to years worth of failing economies, more jobs being exported more and more youth
Especially zoomers have been stressing themselves over getting to university because for some it’s quite literally the only way to ensure they have any future for themselves that isn’t lying on the streets and likewise instead of actually making post secondary easier to get into the western academic community has instead opted for taking advantage of likely sexually financially and emotionally immature teenagers and adults in their early 20s

The result of all this mayhem is now a failing academic system specifically after post secondary notorious for poor credibility of once respected researchers, hyper stressed out children, debt that keeps accumulating and is visibly causing inflation problems that pensions can’t counteract along with mass reports of predominantly Chinese and Indian students trying to evade the obnoxious filters required to enter post secondary of all types in their home countries facing even more exploitation abroad due to university ranking systems being catered for their preferences rather than those universities abilities to actually educate new students into professionals

All on top of the fact that taxpayers will still be paying for all of this shit regardless if you live in a place like North America where post secondary education isn’t even free to begin with and will likely try to cut you off from future opportunities at any sign of failure.

Jesus fucking christ letting the USA have political dominance after the fall of the ussr was a mistake
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The Eye

No.14395278 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone explain this to me? If I'm understanding this correctly: light enters the eye through the pupil which gets focused onto by the lens which gets sent to the retina which creates electronic signals that gets sent to the brain to interpret the image you're looking at. What I don't understand is how or why the light would create a reversed image even if it's due to the curvature of the eye.
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No.14399842 ViewReplyOriginalReport
this man is objectively smarter than most 4channers (he is a phd in astrophysics)
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oh no no NO

No.14397338 ViewReplyOriginalReport
dunning-kruger bros we got TOO cocky!
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No.14399693 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am 28. Is it too late to git gud at maths?
I am relearning everything from the beginning, currently at algebra factoring. Already struggling quite a bit.
I was never good at it.
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(8 replies)
No.14399664 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>28 year old ex retail manager
>now neet
>FINALLY bought my own place and will be away from my mother
>vague interest in electronics and computers that never fully materialized

I need a fresh start. I am going to start self learning, with the idea of moving toward some sort of tech career.
What should I do? I basically want to end with a proficient knowledge of electricity and computer science and some way to make money from it.
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Schzio's Anonymous: Easter - the Holy Ghost Walks with Me edition

No.14397979 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So some feedback after several months of symptons returning.
>I had voices creeping back very slowly
>Looking for meanings in everything
>Mood swings

An anon advised me to try N' Acetyle Cystine and B3 Niacin, I reported a few weeks at the time:
>B3 helped lift a mountain of stress off my shoulders and everything was great
>NAC helped severly reduce the looking for details in everything massively

Anon also suggested Choline, which I found to cause extreme depression at dangerous levels so stopped that promptly.

I was also taking omega 3 twice a day with breakfast and lunch.

the feedback.
>Has I believe helped me become quicker at learning and processing new things back to virtually normal, this damage I suspect was due to the 8 month episode.
>I feel it is helping me heal and learn to how to control my thinking, when I start reading into things it seems to give me the base to say 'no its just a coincidence'
>It really is helping me relearn how to live normally and function with other people again
I find the NAC has the best effect when taken with my evening meal, with some form of carbs as suggested

>Same as it was, great at keeping stress at bay

Omega 3
>I've stopped taking because I started experiencing joint pains which apparently can be a side effect.
>the join pains have gone after a week of stopping
>but also I find my mind is calmer and more measured, in fact the whole anxiety of relapse has gone since stopping
>also I believe the omega 3 might have been the cause or at least helped in bringing back some symptons

Happy Easter SchizAnons
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No.14397892 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you write a cover letter for a conference travel scholarship? I haven't written one in a decade
What the hell do I talk about?