Okay so let me get this straight

No.14398862 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Due to years worth of failing economies, more jobs being exported more and more youth
Especially zoomers have been stressing themselves over getting to university because for some it’s quite literally the only way to ensure they have any future for themselves that isn’t lying on the streets and likewise instead of actually making post secondary easier to get into the western academic community has instead opted for taking advantage of likely sexually financially and emotionally immature teenagers and adults in their early 20s

The result of all this mayhem is now a failing academic system specifically after post secondary notorious for poor credibility of once respected researchers, hyper stressed out children, debt that keeps accumulating and is visibly causing inflation problems that pensions can’t counteract along with mass reports of predominantly Chinese and Indian students trying to evade the obnoxious filters required to enter post secondary of all types in their home countries facing even more exploitation abroad due to university ranking systems being catered for their preferences rather than those universities abilities to actually educate new students into professionals

All on top of the fact that taxpayers will still be paying for all of this shit regardless if you live in a place like North America where post secondary education isn’t even free to begin with and will likely try to cut you off from future opportunities at any sign of failure.

Jesus fucking christ letting the USA have political dominance after the fall of the ussr was a mistake