No.14398459 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The doctors have rejected the options to give my great grandmother a feeding tube. She had to undergo esophageal dilation surgery, while it was only a futile effort knowing that she would need repeated procedures the the first one would drain her completely. Stepping back in time even further, They started starving her to run tests that they would later not even do, basically depriving her of nutrients for no reason just to back peddle. Then because she was weak from being starved they had to wait till she gained some strength for the surgery knowing that it wouldn't take shape. Now instead of giving her a feeding tube to get her stronger for a second surgery like they wanted the hospital just wants to wash their hands of her and put her back into our care with a 3 weeks to live warning. The could put her asleep and feed her though her nose but they are telling us she might die by pulling on it upon waking up. So I have many thoughts and I am upset. Why couldnt she be recommended to some kinda of specialist who Might have new ideas or second opinions? What kind of dysfunction at the hospital made them blunder so hard and leave her this weak to begin with and then not even perform the tests they thought they needed? How do we find help and information needed to get my grandmother help? And, What do we need to know to beable to care for her if she gets sent back to us and how can we get her the calories and nutrients that she needs to outlive this grim sentence?

I feel Like we have exhausted all normie options just doing what we are told by people in authority positions so In this struggle I have came here to search for opinions.