Threads by latest replies - Page 2229

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No.5141217 ViewReplyOriginalReport
You ever look at one of your old drawings and think ¨Damn, how did I make that?¨ In a good way?
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No.5139733 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw you realise studying animation classics is the best way to learn gesture and appeal
Each frame a gold nugget of wisdom
22 posts and 9 images omitted
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No.5135554 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Would you ever consider giving up all personal relationships and hobbies in your life in order to become one of the greats?
88 posts and 10 images omitted
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No.5141444 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a banner i made for a popular discord server I'm a part of. now every week we have a banner competition where anyone can submit a banner, basically no matter what it is and if it has the most votes it will be the server's banner for a week. we have little to no rules so last week, Shrek receiving oral sex was the banner for a week. what do you think of mine, /ic/?
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"The Internet" by Boxman Sold to MoMA

No.5140796 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Report by Nigel “Chip” Ritchels

At first glance, “The Internet” by Boxman looks like a nintendo 64 spray painted black with the initials R. BOX and the year 2021 crudely painted on with white ink. When in reality, the now estimated valued £272,440,000 art piece has been purchased by the MoMA for a scant $3.3 million. The price raised eyebrows, but after such incredible work such as Maurizio Cattelan’s “The comedian” (a Banana duct taped to a wall that sold for $120,000)
and “Artwork by Anonymous” (a screenshot of a post on sold for $90,900) anything in this 2021 art world surely is possible.

Why such a dazzling price for a piece of Japonisme influenced electronics? I had to inquire, and inquire I did. Straight from the artist himself, Boxman, who would only conduct the interview fully nude and with a painted white cereal box on his head, and a smaller white box covering the crowning glory of his genitals. The balls and shaft remained fully exposed to my dismay.
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How many abs?

No.5130983 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am trying to understand abs but I don't know how many rows of abs people are supposed to have

Please highlight the individual abs on these pictures so I can see them clearly
32 posts and 12 images omitted
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ms paint self portraits go

No.5038854 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
draw yourself in ms paint!! (ver 2.0)
315 posts and 131 images omitted
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No.5141288 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I recently inherited a beautiful panting, it appears to be on some type of modern papyrus, can anyone identify this signature, or give me a little insight? TIA Anons