Threads by latest replies - Page 2221

(56 replies)
No.5135141 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Do you sketch zoomed in at 100% or not?
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No.5144273 ViewReplyOriginalReport
(29 replies)
No.5143468 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So what does /ic generally think about the artstyle of Bojack Horseman and it's character designs?
I have my opinion, but I'm looking for more experienced people sharing theirs.
24 posts and 8 images omitted
(136 replies)
No.5113971 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>It's that time again..
>80's 90's anime aesthetic thread~

post stuff you like or want to achieve
131 posts and 82 images omitted
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(35 replies)
No.5142338 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone else here hate almost all contemporary artstyles popular online? Anime, coom, "cutesy" uwu cartoons that are neither cute nor funny, pretty-girl basic thot drawings, the artstation/semirealism style, tumblr style, fanart, vidya/fantasy/sci-fi nerd shit, photorealism. Am I just picky or does everything just suck? What are some art styles you guys dislike? It's not like I dislike digital art or am a total tradfag, I just think a lot of shit is pure ugly.
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(7 replies)

How do you feel about doing bad artwork?

No.5143448 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Not every piece can be a winner, obviously, but how open are you to doing something absolutely new and 100% knowing you're going to fuck it up.

Personally I've hit a point where I'm hesitant to try painting something that I know I'll fuck up royally because I feel my time is more valuable, and it's worth more for me to do what I already know.

Pic related is a the first painting I did that was out of my comfort zone in a while, I used to be way better at just sitting down and painting something really ugly to see what I can learn.

Anyways thanks for reading my blog, remember to like follow and subscribe
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(52 replies)

Xa on the moon tutorials

No.5135915 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does someone have his tutorials?
I was thinking in buy them but if someone have them I can trade it for other tutorials
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No.5141177 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If I drew anime girls for 2 hours a day could I live off drawing them within 1.5 years?
51 posts and 2 images omitted
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Starting with difficult subjects first?

No.5144021 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Many people start slow, first they draw gesture, then they study forms and so on.
What if a person starts with difficult subjects first?
Instead of drawing 3/4 and side-front poses, why not start with difficult poses?
Why not start with anatomy?
Can this method of studying be detrimental to a beginner?
To me going outside your abilities and limits from the start is a good thing.
Share your opinions :)