Threads by latest replies - Page 25

(10 replies)
No.130237933 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>both sides have lots of hotties
>save for the Flash (who at most flirts a bit) no one on either side ever tries to get someone from the opposite group to join their cause through sex/love
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(230 replies)
No.130220117 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The level of advertising for this film has been atrocious.
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(266 replies)
No.130213106 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>It’s a cartoon with a family
>it’s a basic mom and dad set up with 2-3 kids
I’m so sick of this, especially coming from Disney. It’s not healthy and I wish they would experiment with other family units. Amphibia and Owl House were such a breath of fresh air.
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(6 replies)


No.130239797 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In the second issue of Albatross Exploding Funnybooks Eric Powell brings you more tales of adventure, horror and stupidity! The Goon finds himself the mercy of some snaggletoothed morons with a lust for blood. La Diabla faces off against a vengeful rival known as Clean Vachine. Rondel teams with an old friend in Hillbilly: The Treachery of Twelve-Toe Maggie part 2. And Lester of the Lesser Gods continues on his journey through the Apocalypse to prove his worth to his jerk of father.
In Shops: Jul 27, 2022
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No.130239165 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Underrated ships.
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(304 replies)

Transformers Storytime

No.130232939 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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(215 replies)
No.130219634 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
post art by Japanese or Asian creators about Comics or Cartoons
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(71 replies)
No.130227626 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>TFW this is what tilly greens original design was
I love how every green except cricket was originally going to have this grotesque hillbilly vibe in their designs before disney i assume told the creators to change the character designs to be more cute and marketable
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(10 replies)
No.130241082 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's wrong with EN VAs? I don't see JP seiyuu say retarded shit like this.
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I have a question about Spiderman

No.130240255 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can Spiderman land safe from any height?
If he fell off a skyscraper assuming he's at peak endurance, could he land successfully?
What about from space?
All versions of Spiderman valid. If he's ever used his web wings as a parachute, I suppose I'd accept that answer.