Threads by latest replies - Page 86

(14 replies)

Why I crave a smoke, but when I smoke it's no good?

No.14409637 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I stay months without smoking, but then, once in a blue moon I have this crazy craving to smoke, it can last up to a week, and I remember how good it felt to smoke. But if I do smoke, most of the time it will not be that great. I always smoke the same brand.
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(116 replies)
No.14401006 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's the science of why people are gay or trans? Naively, you'd expect evolution to remove these traits from the population.
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No.14409418 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Feynman technique
>spaced repetition
that's all I need to use when I study, right?
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(82 replies)
No.14393516 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Heard about 'Remote Viewing' late last year
>Like the good, diligent scientist I am, decide to research it extensively
>Read the books written by the pioneers of the field
>Read the CIA declassified reports on it
>Watch YouTube videos about it
>Realise it's likely a real phenomena
>Sign up to an RV e-zine
>It's competently written, nobody involved seems mentally ill, schizophrenic or charlatans

Why does science still pretend that it's fake or not real? If you spend any amount of time researching it it becomes apparent that it's a real phenomena.
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(10 replies)

Early onset puberty

No.14407741 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does puberty start alot earlier in current time? In the 19th century puberty supposedly peaked around late teens, now it can be as early as 7 years
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(45 replies)

Does autism curbs the TNB?

No.14408193 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm Black and I have Assburgers and "high function" Autism and it feels like I'm like unplug from the NPC Nig impulse behavior 70-90% Black americans are blue pilled too, maybe even alot of Africans as well. I always had this averse in certain aspects in Black Culture( even as a child I never really liked Rap or even hanged out with people who I could tell would take advantage of or even peered pressure into doing stupid shit) I always seleted my friends carefully and someone you could tell was safe I hanged out with.

I also was woke(not in the modern twitter leftist sense but when it came to MSM and the War on terror shit) I never really liked the country, I never like the government or economy and I definitally did not like the war on terror and that was when I was 5 or so.

Really the point I making is I hate my Autism but it really made see and have views points in a way, I probably wouldn't have if I didn't have it. Cause I need to ask before I go off in a tangent, cause I know self-aware Blacks are the most suffering people on earth, but I need to know is it because genes? Is it due to my Autism that I am unplugged from the TNB matrix, cause the way Black people act here and act there and all over the country is essentially the same, the mental shit, they talk the same, they act the same, they think the same, they eat and drink the same and in a way they look the same. And what's worse is the helplessness behind it, to me a Leftist or even a "hotep" integrationist Black like tariq is no different from a white neo-lib cuck or Jew for self-aware whites.

TLDR: Does Autism suppress certain impulses and reckless actions.
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(11 replies)

It's up

No.14409318 ViewReplyOriginalReport
New thunderf00t video

What advances in science must happen before Musk can achieve his promises such as digging tunnels 15 times faster than current state of the art tunnel boring machines? Also what parts of rocket science from SpaceX will be applied to accomplish this endeavor as stated by Musk and why hasn't anybody tried this already? Tunnel boring machines with rocket science!
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(6 replies)


No.14412200 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Makes E=mc^2

E=mc^2 is used to make nuclear bombs

>Gives humanity the ability to fuck itself and send us to the stone ages

what the fuck was his problem

Music thread theme:
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(62 replies)
No.14405023 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what did evolution mean by this ? :/
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(5 replies)
No.14412321 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the hell should I say to physician to be able to get concerta? Those son of a bitches thinks that I have anxiety disorder but it is not like that.