Threads by latest replies - Page 29

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No.14417457 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How isn't everything pre determined?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since physical laws exist which you can use to predict motion or change to an exact point, shouldn't everything be theoretically predictable with calculation? Does the construction of a human or other supposed free willed beings cause objects to not be predictable based on physical laws? Does the way we are constructed allow for non pre determined free will?
161 posts and 15 images omitted
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Is Fermilab reputable?

No.14425369 ViewReplyOriginalReport
11 posts omitted
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No.14426646 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Bright enough to realise i'm a retarded lazy autistic cunt with a small braincase, shithouse short term memory, easily triggered emotions and extreme depression, and constant migraines thanks to my parents giving birth to me in middle age and polluting my DNA with deleterious mutations
>Not bright enough to constructively do anything about it or, yknow, not be retarded
Is there any kind of help I can get for this shit or should one just anhero?
(21 replies)
No.14422754 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ray Kurzweil believes AI will reach human level intelligence by 2029 and we'll hit the singularity in 2045. With the release of PaLM and the recent advancements in few shot learning and generalization capabilities I'm inclined to believe his predictions will come to pass. You guys think being part of an immortalist intergalactic civilization will be fun?
16 posts and 2 images omitted
(10 replies)
No.14424571 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Scored 122 as 21year old
>Scored 127 as 25year old
>Scored 110 as 33year old
And im still smarter than i have ever been
5 posts omitted
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Derivative of an Inverse at a point, BUT! Cannot evaluate f(x)=a

No.14425518 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am attempting to find the derivative of an inverse at a point 'a'. In this case it is not suitable to find the inverse of the function by hand.

I understand we use the derivative of an inverse formula,

d/dx[(f^-1)'(a)] = 1/f'(b)

We can use the properties of an inverse function to evaluate this. Consider that our input 'a' into our inverse function will produce output 'b', where output 'b' into our original function will produce output 'a'.

aka (x,y) values for inverse and original functions are swapped.

Therefore f(b) = a

We are given 'a' as 1

Therefore solve for f(b) = 1

But, we cannot solve for f(b) = 1 as f(x) is some function unable to managed by hand.

The solution can be find graphically of course but this question requires you to find it by hand.

I am stumped on how you can approach this, all the examples I see online feature instances where you can easily find f(b) = a.
6 posts and 1 image omitted
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Linear Algebra Question

No.14426345 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm currently working on a linear algebra problem that says find the orthogonal diagonalization of the matrix posted. Should I be expecting a different result because of the orthogonal or is what symbolab did correct?
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No.14426484 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Now the dust has settled, who ultimately won the COVIDbowl?
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No.14426364 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dracovenator (/?dræko?v??neJt?r/) is a genus of neotheropod dinosaur that lived approximately 201 to 199 million years ago during the early part of the Jurassic Period in what is now South Africa. Dracovenator was a medium-sized, moderately-built, ground-dwelling, bipedal carnivore, that could grow up to an estimated 7 m (23.0 ft) long.

Oh okay sounds cool how do they know all this?

>Its type specimen was based on only a partial skull that was recovered.
>the coloured pieces in pic related are all they ever found of this dinosaur

Paleontology is such a fucking scam