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What's the point of science?

No.14404559 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm sure people were miserable in the past too but modern medicine and technology doesnt seem to have made them any happier.
Have the social and psychological effects of science been studied scientifically?
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No.14405602 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some good books to learn chemistry from the ground up for a mathematician? I have done mathematics for most of the time, some physics here and there, now it is time to pick up chemistry, and yes I have read the wiki.
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Will it work?

No.14400195 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think the diagram is pretty self explanatory
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Regenerative Medicine Idea - where my stem cell bros at

No.14397779 ViewReplyOriginalReport
dont want any MolBio-midwits here, nor any tree-huggers or Mengele-meds. I want to discuss with people who can tell me what Oct4 is, why Nanog is dispensable and what germ layer the liver's from. That know about tissue streams, ERV-genome scrambling and notch-dll4 lateral inhibition in the bone marrow stroma. Just some normal, actual Stem Cell Biologists.
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overkill proofs

No.14404887 ViewReplyOriginalReport
post em

There is no largest natural number. The reason is that by Cantor's theorem, the power set of a finite set is a strictly larger set, and one can prove inductively that the power set of a finite set is still finite.

All numbers of the form 2n for natural numbers n?1 are even. The reason is that the power set of an n-element set has size 2n, proved by induction, and this is a Boolean algebra, which can be decomposed into complementary pairs {a,¬a}. So it is a multiple of 2.

Every finite set can be well-ordered. This follows by the Axiom of Choice via the Well-ordering Principle, which asserts that every set can be well-ordered.

Every non-empty set A has at least one element. The reason is that if A is nonempty, then {A} is a family of nonempty sets, and so by the Axiom of Choice it admits a choice function f, which selects an element f(A)?A.
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No.14405501 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We don't talk enough about the moon always facing us. It blows my mind to think that month after month for milennia, the moon has continuously faced us in this exact same direction. It rotates at the exact same speed it revolves, and it doesn't alter its axis. The same picture in full display every 28 days.

My theory, at least my least harebrained and most reasonable theory, is that the part of the moon that faces us is denser than the part that doesn't face us, and as a result gravity keeps it pulled towards Earth.

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No.14405736 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I got this nasty whole body rash on waking for a week now, taking benedryl makes it go away.

I already washed my sheets and stuff and didn’t make any changes in soap or anything.

It actually first happened eating a mcdouble my lip kinda went numb and on waking I had the rash

Happened before and went away but it wasn’t this bad, I don’t want to go to the doctor.

Any ideas what the cause may be, it seems to get worse with heat warmer areas of skin on skin get redder faster.
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Tea leaf Paradox

No.14404682 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>spin tea
>expect leaf to move to the edge due to centrifugal force of spin
>tfw leaf moves to the middle

what did god mean by this? picrel
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