Threads by latest replies - Page 18

(211 replies)

Ensemble Stars!

No.3027672 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
No drama.
No western-styled art.
No replying to trolls, ignore + report.

Be nice.
206 posts and 145 images omitted
(5 replies)
(172 replies)

Yaoi sex games?

No.3033192 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Where are all of the yaoi hentai eroge? There’s basically nothing ever released that isn’t a visual novel- especially when you consider how many straight porn games come out every day. Imagine a David Cage game, but it’s a choose your own homoerotic gangbang.

Why is this such an untapped market? Do other gay guys not like jacking it to interactive porn?
167 posts and 26 images omitted
(5 replies)
(5 replies)

Being owned

No.3072142 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it just me or do yall also wanna be owned by a hot, older, deep sexy voiced Yandere guy and be collared having no say in anything being in his basement with a gaming pc off and constantly being praised for doing simple tasks and called a good boy? Anyway haven’t left the house in 4 weeks and I’m probably going to make it a 5th I mean who wants to date a socially awkward loser who’s gay, has around 4 online friends total Barely leaves his house, needs constant reassurance and is plotting to kill his mother and older sister but can’t do it because he’s too much of a pussy and still sleeps with plushies at 14. Plus I mean I don’t even know the months of the year at 14 or anything about geography..
(5 replies)
(18 replies)
No.3068902 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Embarrassed Nude/unclothed males.
Post pics of males becoming bashful as they’re bodies are exposed for all to see.
13 posts and 12 images omitted
(117 replies)

Gloryhole/Public Sex

No.3039975 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anything is cool, western/eastern & bara/femboy idc post what you got :)
112 posts and 63 images omitted
(178 replies)

Marvel #3

No.3061942 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Last: >>3052921
173 posts and 133 images omitted
(109 replies)

Intimate Kissing

No.3033217 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Passionate tongue action
Lip biting
Swapping spit
Tongue brushing
French kisses and throat swabs
Nothing gets my cock at rock more than a good man on man snog

No arguing or trolling, if you don’t like something don’t look at it
104 posts and 76 images omitted