Threads by latest replies - Page 85

(59 replies)
No.14395105 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>get engineering degree
>start looking for job
>all I can find is a 50k position in IT
you guys lied to me
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(12 replies)
No.14412592 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nothing existing would still be something: it would be nothingness.

It is equally strange for anything to exist, but it would also be equally strange for nothing to exist, especially considering that something already exists. How in the ultimate fuck does that work, what are the dynamics involved between existence and non-existence, since both are equally ludicrous in principle? It's like a paradox of two paradoxes.
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(12 replies)

nature is a machine for creating life and experiments

No.14409083 ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 Nature was created to create life and experiment on this life

2 on each planet there were attempts to create life, something happened, something didn’t

3 nature is essentially artificial intelligence
which helps creators to experiment with life

4 if humanity dies, nature will start the experiment again but go the other way and create another life unlike this one

5 nature has agents that help to get rid of errors that can harm the system

6 nature can take control of her creatures or direct them in her own direction

7 parameters were invested in nature by higher beings from which nature creates life

8 for nature, all our suffering is not important
she needs a specific result that the creators set for her

9 nature as a binary code
to get some result
you need to collide two opposites like 0 and 1 or a man and a woman
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(52 replies)
No.14407122 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this really math now?
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(11 replies)
No.14409636 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is Ampere and not Coulomb and SI unit?
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(96 replies)
No.14405833 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What do /sci/ence needs to do for the world to have a universal method of teaching?
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No.14412333 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do I study if I want to map a brain and make an artificial copy of myself?
(64 replies)
No.14388985 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
COVID testing question
There's been a lot of criticism of the PCR tests, how the cycles were increased to increase false positives and how they aren't really suited as a diagnostic test for viral diseases.
ARE they suited as a diagnostic test for viral infections? If not, specifically, why not?
And what would be the appropriate tests? Some sort of ELISA or what?
59 posts and 13 images omitted
(155 replies)
No.14385916 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I want to invent inmortality. Which majors should I choose? Bio, physics, comp sci... ?
150 posts and 22 images omitted