nature is a machine for creating life and experiments

No.14409083 ViewReplyOriginalReport
1 Nature was created to create life and experiment on this life

2 on each planet there were attempts to create life, something happened, something didn’t

3 nature is essentially artificial intelligence
which helps creators to experiment with life

4 if humanity dies, nature will start the experiment again but go the other way and create another life unlike this one

5 nature has agents that help to get rid of errors that can harm the system

6 nature can take control of her creatures or direct them in her own direction

7 parameters were invested in nature by higher beings from which nature creates life

8 for nature, all our suffering is not important
she needs a specific result that the creators set for her

9 nature as a binary code
to get some result
you need to collide two opposites like 0 and 1 or a man and a woman