Threads by latest replies - Page 82

(83 replies)
No.14412739 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why is there something instead of nothing? Even if you say multiverses or eternal universe (both which aren't proven in any capacity) there still has to be an original cause.
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(53 replies)

Why doesn't this guy have a Nobel Prize in Medicine?

No.14408988 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>He single-handedly found a working protocol for actually treating your myopia, as in fixing its main cause which is the elongation of the eye (instead of the trainwreck that is LASIK which doesn't fix the elongation of your eye, it only works as if they carved glasses on your cornea).
>Posted it for free on the internet for everyone to learn.

Myopia will impact half the global population in 2050 according to WHO estimates. Why doesn't this guy have a Nobel Prize in Medicine?

>EndMyopia basics:

>1. Managing close-up by wearing differentials
>2. Wear a slight undercorrection (no more than 0.25 diopters of undercorrection) for distance vision (normalized)
>3. The hardest thing: Active Focus and doing it as a habit when you are engaged in distance vision
>4. Daily dose of distance vision, at least 2-3hr. Without distance vision, no improvement
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why is there no observational evidence for earth curvature

No.14413103 ViewReplyOriginalReport
every globehead argument appeals to theory, what actual demonstrations are there
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No.14410274 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to solve the big problems in Mathematics and possibly teach at a community college. Is merely a Master's degree good enough for this?
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(17 replies)
No.14412474 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>let's endlessly split hairs over a thousand different interpretations of quantum mechanics

>you DARE suggesting Einstein's relativity needs reinterpretation? Impossible! The Science is settled!

Why are soientists like this? The onus of the problem of time is 100% on relativity, since it redefines time.
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(12 replies)

Does time actually exist or human construct?

No.14411871 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it a real phenomenon or something that humans think exists and labors under the illusion of it existing? Only the now exist right?
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No.14413248 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>only have an IQ of 120
its over for me isnt it
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Help with puzzles

No.14413426 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My only friend sent me racist and anti-Semitic puzzles in a group chat filled with people from my school a week ago. He called me "low iq," and "autistic" in front of everyone, and said that I have down syndrome. He even titled the puzzles "assburgers." He then proceeded to send me more puzzles, and even made sure to make fun of me for it in school, further displaying me as intellectually inferior, making even the people that weren't in the group chat find out that I can't answer some simple RPM questions. Now people are frequently calling me retarded whenever I type anything, no one takes me seriously, and I'm viewed as the dumbest person in my school. One of the girls literally told me that she is repulsed by my lack of intelligence, and that I'm a freak.

After their comments, I decided to take an IQ test, and after asking around, I have been told that is one of the most accurate tests online. Well, according to them I'm below the average. Literally. I was told this: "Your IQ lies outside the area that the test is able to measure. We are hoping to extend into this area as soon as we have gathered more data"
This implies that my IQ is <85. At least this explains why I struggled with grasping concepts, studying, and socializing in general.

I have trouble constructing logical arguments and formulating rebuttals to them. When I encounter a problem that is associated with time and/or money, I find that my brain gets stuck and I cannot formulate logical conclusions. I will think about the question for minutes and minutes on on end only to start repeating the initial question to myself repeatedly as I become more and more confused

I feel like this will pretty much render me unable or incapable of being self-sufficient if I ever am an independent adult, as I’ll inevitably have to deal with these problems and deal with complexity when I have to pay bills and such.

Pic rel is one of the puzzles
(8 replies)

Basic Integral Calculus

No.14413334 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi anons. I have realized that my integration skills are sorely lacking and I need to brush up quickly.

Can anyone recommend any useful resources that are pretty concise? Some sort of integrals crash course?
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