Threads by latest replies - Page 76

(6 replies)
No.14414804 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, what are women better at
1 post omitted
(82 replies)

A new heat engine with no moving parts is as efficient as a steam turbine

No.14399136 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Bros, this could be big... do you think it's clickbait bullshit or a really groundbreaking innovation with permanent implications for the world's power grids? My first thought is, wouldn't this power have to be converted to AC for distribution and thereby risk losing those gains in efficiency?
77 posts and 12 images omitted
(5 replies)

Computer science research ranking

No.14413929 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Rank or rate the following 25 american universities according to your impression of their graduate programs and research quality in your sub-area of COMPUTER SCIENCE research (state this sub-area). If you have no idea about a certain university, mark it with a "?".

>Boston U.
>UMich-Ann arbor
>UMaryland-College Park
>Georgia Tech
>UC-San Diego
>Northwestern U.
>Northestern U.
>New York U.
>Ohio State U.
>Duke U.
>Brown U.
>Texas A&M U.
>John Hopkins U.
(5 replies)
(9 replies)
No.14413063 ViewReplyOriginalReport
the universe is all that exists. it is infinite and cannot be escaped. "something outside the universe" (ie more universes) or being able to leave the universe would invalidate the fact that it is indeed, the universe

you can't disprove this
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(5 replies)

is there really such thing as a ground state?

No.14414761 ViewReplyOriginalReport
say there is such a thing but even so what if something else can violate it? in concepts and math of course u can go to negative numbers. so why cant u with energy states? what if an object can sink into infinitely lower energy states over time what would that be like?

ground state is relative to the rules of quantum mechanics but not to mathematics. physics is a subset of mathematics. so mathematics already tells us something can do it if it doesnt have to fit with anything we know how to observe or even think could exist. its a concept and it could or could not be true and maybe it leads to a paradox.
(5 replies)

Is a constant sequence monotonic?

No.14414621 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I saw this question posted on an unrelated website.
So, is a constant sequence:
(A) monotonic
(B) not monotonic
(C) undecidable
(9 replies)

Collatz Conjecture Ideas

No.14412442 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello! That thread made for ideas for Collatz Conjecture. If you have ideas about conjecture - type those to that thread. Its first version of this thread.
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(5 replies)
No.14414645 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What causes so many people to become cucks?
>inb4 not math or science
This is psychology, a subset of science, ergo this is on topic
(14 replies)


No.14413833 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking what is the best way to convince a female to have sex/reproduce?
9 posts omitted