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vsauce here

No.14414831 ViewReplyOriginalReport
the fuck happened? he fell off. did he just get sick of youtube or something
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No.14415782 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What’s the scientific cheat code in getting women ? What do they biologically want ?
16 posts and 2 images omitted
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hospitals were not overwhelmed

No.14416904 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/? explain.
4 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.14416977 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Energy is scalar, why is heat flux a vector?
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No.14407733 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I graduate in 12 weeks from a top 5 uni for physics in the UK. Aiming for a 1st class Bsc Physics. I'll be 27 later this year and I'm the first in my family to reach higher education. It has come to my attention I'm still absolutely retarded despite being on track for a 1st. I feel I've barely scraped the surface of physics.

Regardless I want to ask other anons what they did after graduating with a physics degree. What are the odds of attaining a PhD position with just a Bsc? In the UK at least a lot of PhDs only require a 2:1.
When applying for jobs I feel as though physics is a meme degree and you should just do engineering if youre gonna go into the industry.

>wtf was pic releated
37 posts and 4 images omitted
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No.14416438 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>predicts quantum mechanics 20 centuries ago
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No.14416846 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will it ever be solved in our lifetimes /sci/ bros? I want to solve this, every other problem is trivial now.
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No.14416505 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, what are some functions for curves in all quadrants of a Cartesian coordinate plane?
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No.14416686 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Five friends met in a bar and, after a few hours of intense conversation, they shared the bill equally, which was exactly $200.00, including tip. As they were slightly altered by the alcohol ingested, there was a difficulty in closing the bill. After everyone thought they had contributed their share of the expense, the total amount placed on the table was only $160.00, made up of a $100.00 bill, a $20.00 bill, and four $10.00 bills. The following statements, all true, then followed:

Antony: - Basil paid. I saw when he paid.

Danton: - Carlos also paid, but I can't say about Basilio.

Eduardo: - I only know that someone paid with four $ 10.00 notes.

Basilio: - That $100 bill was put there by Antonio, I saw it when he got his R$60.00 change.

Carlos: - Yes, and in the $ 60.00 he took out was the $ 50.00 note that Eduardo put on the table.
Immediately after these words, the waiter, who had listened attentively to what was said and knew everyone in the group, turned to the one who had not yet contributed to the expense and said:
- Jack, do you intend to use your card and keep the change in cash?

Based on the information in the text, the waiter asked the question to?
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My hate for universities inconsistency is eternal

No.14416861 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think the first time I noticed just how fucking shit western education was at teaching students literally anything was in my sophomore year of hs when I began to notice how many concepts were either grossly oversimplified or should’ve introduced several years ago, or straight up take to long to be taught assuming they’re taught at all.

Students should not have unfiltered access to every course they want in both elementary and post secondary education

The reason? Concepts aren’t isolated they build off each other and if your seeing students taking advanced courses without any prior knowledge of the ideas they’re built off they’ll fuck up completely. It’s even worse in university where the standards of what’s required are no longer based off what someone at a professional level needs to know to excel but rather based off the performance of the students relative to each other and suddenly what qualifies as a passing grade means completely different things in two universities probably a neighborhood away from each other. It’s so fucking obnoxious, the courses take too long to cover to little information and by the time your done you likely have a toddlers understanding of what you payed for and have to relearn everything and study for several more years in your own time to learn what wasn’t taught to you assuming you even give a shit about learning at all at that point