Threads by latest replies - Page 65

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No.14416940 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>poisson distribution
>has nothing to do with fish
(18 replies)
No.14414582 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>1st author in top tier conference
>grad program reject from university of maryland and university of wisconsin
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(19 replies)
No.14417134 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The chance is 50%, it either happens or it doesn't
How do you refute this?
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No.14417031 ViewReplyOriginalReport
does contemporary science amount to a preference for grandiose fantasies of superior knowledge over evidence based investigations?
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No.14416765 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do any of you take ADHD meds? Has it helped you? Have you taken them and then stopped/regretted it for any reason? I'm considering getting medicated cause uni is incredibly difficult with the whole not being able to focus whatsoever thing
(31 replies)
No.14416794 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did Science elect a literal elf as its pope?
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So, at this point, should scientists and doctors be considered child killers?

No.14417131 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hopefully they are hanged on public places alongside their financers, politicians, Big Pharma, corrupt bankers.
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No.14413713 ViewReplyOriginalReport
every year I turn into a pathetic, disgusting, despicable fucking mouthbreather. we should either destroy all nature or return to a time when our modern cucked lifestyle didn't turn our immune systems into schizophrenics
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(12 replies)

Brainlets are worse than niggers, trannies, jews and faggots.

No.14417003 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you constantly act like you are smarter than everyone, but have absolutely no accomplishes to show for it, then kill yourself. And I am talking to like 1/4 of /sci/.
7 posts omitted