Threads by latest replies - Page 56

(5 replies)
No.14419753 ViewReplyOriginalReport
bad news /sci/,
the glowniggers in washington d.c. are currently running some sort of false flag operation, clearly with the intention of justifying a showdown of this website. so i just wanted to say that it's been nice knowing you and that i wish you well before the site is closed.
(333 replies)


No.14395827 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does the invisible hand of the market really provide the best outcome for everyone? Are there any alternate or more updated views to the economic phenomena or this is the state of the art? Should really governments stop intervening and let the market do its own thing as the author claims?
328 posts and 38 images omitted
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Generic Medications

No.14418562 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What explains why some generic medications are less effective, biochemically speaking? Is it (combination of) binding material, protein folding, presence of isomers, or something else?

Medications that bind receptors have varying effectiveness, like estrogen versus phytoestrogens because of their folding conformation. These are likely to need smart chemical engineers to design a process to make the right isomers or whatnot.

But there's also medications like simethicone, better known as Gas-x which is a surfactant that decreases surface tension of gas bubbles so they diffuse easier. Would these be more likely to be identical to name brand?
!K./sLB4wf6 (10 replies)

Time Travel

!K./sLB4wf6 No.14419575 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've spent a lot of time trying to talk to the media about my experience with time travel. I was chosen--quite randomly, but no so randomly really--and no one seems to believe or care.

The Traveler wanted me to pass along a message but the message has been ignored.

Perhaps that's because I'm going about this the wrong way. Let's talk about the science of time travel first.

Unfortunately no delorean--or any physical matter, really.
5 posts and 1 image omitted
(14 replies)
No.14416384 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Redpill me on fusion. Is it a meme? Will it always be 15 years away?
If I were to pick a career path to go down to, will I waste my life away working for/towards fusion energy?
Is it just too good to be true?
9 posts and 1 image omitted
(7 replies)
No.14417446 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the most useful application of chaos theory?

Okay I understand that it's easy to create fucked up behavior from simple equations, and that you can categorize these things, and you draw some parameter regions and you can sometimes see long term general patterns, etc.

So how was this ever useful in a significant way?
2 posts omitted
(18 replies)

Scientific experiment

No.14416930 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I calculated pi by measuring the circumference and diamater of this circular object in my home with a cheap ruler. Then divided one by the other.

I got pi with 0.068% of error.
13 posts and 2 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.14419332 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need some medical advice. I take Zyprexa for symptoms of schizophrenia. It works fine for the symptoms of schizophrenia but it makes me lose half my day by making me sleep until 11 am. I try to take coffee, which should be enough, but I still go back to sleep. Then once I'm awake I can't study effectively because I feel weird brain fog. Should I just drink more coffee or switch medications?
(5 replies)
No.14418423 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I do not like grad school. Why do I not like grad school?
(5 replies)