Threads by latest replies - Page 31

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No.14425322 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are we at the point where we require time travel?
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No.14426285 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any actual researchers here? If so what are you researching and do you think it’ll make any actual impact on the world at large?
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No.14422731 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>4.5 billion years old
>universe is 13.8 billion years old
You don't actually believe this do you?
21 posts and 4 images omitted
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No.14425936 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Assuming there is a God, what's the most logical, scientific idea of how God might work?
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No.14426226 ViewReplyOriginalReport
50% probability
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No.14426269 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does death feel like , after googling and seeing "it feels blissful". I thought it would be extremely painful but does anyone here know what exactly happens to the body and what this dictates on the level of pain you'll feel.
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No.14426103 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you had to relearn math again, where would you start from?
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(20 replies)
No.14424577 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If the derivative of e^xi is ie^xi, and multiplying by i means 90 degree rotation, does that mean we can only move around the circle with the increments of 90 degree, since that's the rate of change? What if we want to move slower than that?
15 posts omitted