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(5 replies)
No.13505365 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I essentially create story space and show them how to navigate as freely as the one who created it, then seduce people to fall in love with my language, and I keep a few core languages as bi-directional update links.

It is basically a science of story and how to manipulate elements that could be labelled ME or SELF or I.

It's better than politics and actually creates a flowing positive feedback cycle.

The science of agreement meets the science of story, that kind of thing.

My question here though is what standard set of operations should be globally allowed?

>Wipe/delete events are actually operator translation events.
(9 replies)
No.13503764 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Unfathomable based
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(5 replies)
No.13504166 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why isn't anyone talking about quantum mechanics? It's the biggest threat to humanity. Are you even aware of its uses?

Let's talk about Quantum Immortality. Your biggest nightmare.
(79 replies)

Mentally Retarded AMA

No.13498399 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I am retarded, AMA.
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(17 replies)
No.13499715 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should universities filter people based on intelligence? I'm talking about entrance exams and not about forcing people to drop out as a later stage because of poor GPA

It's common knowledge that almost everyone can get into any of the non-top 100 universities, especially if they're focused on engineering, biology and natural sciences. And by almost everyone I mean people capable of holding a pen, showing a wad of cash or taking a loan.

I feel like these wasted resources would be better focused with regulation
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(32 replies)
No.13496485 ViewReplyOriginalReport
non mrna or mrna vaccine bros
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(89 replies)
No.13499821 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Has /sci/ heard of this new crackpot theory called "natural immunity" which proposes that it is possible to gain immunity against a disease without being vaccinated first? Isn't that just quacking crazy?
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(10 replies)
No.13499889 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My fiance opened our mini fridge and found a La Croix can inside, but it looked like this. Obviously it was not open at first, but when I first opened it it hissed and expanded slightly as if there was a slight vacuum inside. What the fuck happened? It didn't come this way from the manufacturer, nor did it undergo any pressure changes, and no other cans in the fridge did this (though many of those were beer). It was likely frozen at one point since I am still trying to get the ideal temperature for my mini fridge, but usually cans of sparkling water that get frozen just expand and then thaw normally. The La Croix in question tasted like any other but was completely flat. Where did the carbonation go while leaving the can sealed?
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(5 replies)
No.13505037 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When I was young I tried to look at the sun with a magnifying glass. Now my left eye's sight is somewhat worse than right eye. Could these be... related?
(5 replies)

Is Being Gay a Choice?

No.13504921 ViewReplyOriginalReport