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(79 replies)

that feel when your paper is cited by the IPCC AR6 report

No.13496026 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
tfw you legitimately contributed to humanity. geology, glaciology, climate, atmospheric science, physics, chemistry /sci/bros where you at
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(23 replies)
No.13503639 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can music be science?
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(10 replies)
No.13505344 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, why does natural testosterone production shutdown when injecting exogenous test? Same with tren, etc.
Natural bodybuilding is a joke, but I still place my longterm health above it. There are secrets movie stars won't tell us, but they also can afford the best doctors. I have asked /fraud/, and there is no 100% foolproof way to get gains with not shutdown or changes. Best is 200 test for cruise, or 500 test for 8-16 weeks with clomid pct.
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No.13505707 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good afternoon /sci/, I'm looking for an introduction to mathematical abstraction- specifically something that offers methodologies to aid in grasping abstract concepts. I'm a humble humanities student at a community college with a math background that stops at pre-calculus and trigonometry. So something rather simple would be ideal but I think I can handle anything so long as it's written for an undergrad audience.

My apologies if book recs are not allowed here, but I thought I'd try /sci/ first before the tryhards at /lit/ give me the name of some obscure 3rd century natural philosopher talking about the necessity of celestial harmony between Mind and Nature or some such sophistry.
(82 replies)
No.13497209 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We are fucking up this planet beyond belief and killing everything on it.
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(11 replies)

if you don't ejaculate inside her, it is impossible to get pregnant

No.13505107 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Then why do they keep teaching people that interrupted intercourse is not a valid form of contraception? Is it because they don't trust the average citizen to know that this is only true for a washed penis that has pissed after its last ejaculation?

med school student here, recently spent a few months in a pregnancy and child care part of the university hospital, and let me tell you: it is impossible to impregnate someone in case you don't come inside her. The prostatic liquid, the one that comes out of your dick, contains NO SPERM if you pissed after your last ejaculation. PLUS, the chances of impregnating someone even with a dick covered in last sex's cum is low as fuck, hell, even if you blast 5ml of sperm inside the girl you have about 30% chance of impregnation, supposing you're both fertile

so why do we keep lying to people? I legit want to ask people here if I'm wrong here, but I talked to a few professors and they agreed with me that if you:
fuck without protection with a washed dick that has pissed after its last ejaculation and do not come inside the girl, there is no chance of having a sperm cell at all inside the vagina

so why do we keep lying to the average joe? is it to shill for pills and condoms? Yes I agree most people would only pull out near the point of orgasm, and not a few seconds prior to it, but I feel like lying about it, even with good intentions, is just wrong
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No.13505202 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the fuck is this bullshit? I went into economics thinking it’d be mostly based on theory or critical thinking, like learning historical thoughts behind different thinkers, but it’s literally just calculus and linear algebra. I finished my second intermediate macro course and it’s all calculus, calculus, calculus. I asked my prof about this and he told me he doesn’t respect sociologists.
(5 replies)
No.13505437 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any evidence that science is actually real or do you seriously expect me to believe all of that schizophrenic nonsense you call science?

Makes no sense... If it happens gradually then how do you explain major changes in animals? Evolutionary benefit doesn't exist in small increments.

No proof it is real.

Fake. Proven false...
(26 replies)

Give me your hopepills on humanity and existence frens

No.13500972 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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