Threads by latest replies - Page 3065

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No.13502942 ViewReplyOriginalReport
More channels like this with in-depth information? Doesn't have to be engineering in particular, could be other STEM fields
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Plasma and blood donation

No.13503747 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Asking medfags and others as well:
How safe plasma and blood donations are? So far i understand that plasma is in blood and that gets separated by the machine while the rest of the blood is pumped back in.
Plasma(blood as a whole as well) seems to contain lots of precious things the body needs which is extracted in the process thus there is less essential liquid in your body.Sure it gets regenerated but wouldn't this put more stress on your organs to make up for the inbalance thus shortening the lifespan of them also cause some hormonal problems due to less plasma - and with that hormones - in your body? Are there non-disclosed side effects of donating long term? My grug logic would say extracting essential fluids out of your body would cause problems but i'm not well equipped with info regarding this.
Any info is appreciated.
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No.13497948 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can AIs have higher IQ than humans?
9 posts and 1 image omitted
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Limb Transplanting?

No.13506259 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi so i have a relative and i wonder if i could sort of switch legs in a way with theirs. giving them mobility while giving up mine. is that possible in this day and age?
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No.13502558 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would happen if you managed to connect magnets on the same pole?
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No.13502655 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does your IQ raise during an adrenaline rush or does your brain reach its max processing ability? Doesn't cortisol help with strong memory creation? Assuming any of what I said is true shouldn't you just have a panic attack to study instead of being bored?
7 posts and 2 images omitted
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No.13505962 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Mushroom growing

No.13505529 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any other shrigmas around right now? Here's my brown champignon mycelium
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No.13505936 ViewReplyOriginalReport
For reasons I can't explain. I need to come up with an equation with a magnetic vector potential A, complex unit i, mass m and two eulers numbers e. Throw pi in there too for good measure.

Doesn't have to do anything, just look good
(5 replies)