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(75 replies)
No.13508399 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So, I took the jab a few weeks ago, and rode a train back home because there could have been side effects. As I am a based citizen of Mater Evropa, we have a well-functioning public transport system here. What would shock the outsiders was that the people on the train were not only black or people of darker sort in general, but seemed to be much higher IQ and more virtuous than their automobilistic white counterparts. Why do I make such a forbidden claim? I shall list my reasons:
(1) lesser burden on the climate and nature;
(2) many of them came from the same vax centre as me, which shows that they care about their communities;
(3) taking the jab shows they are capable of critical thinking unlike the 88IQ mouthbreathing /pol/tard bowing his head to demagogues;
(4) untainted by capitalism, they did not feel threatened by the existence of a public service;
(5) unlike the white angry private automobilists, these train enjoyers treated me equally.
Why have you not taken the public transportation pill yet, anon? Surely you don't oppose science?
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(26 replies)

How do I neutralize the vaccine after inyection?

No.13507333 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's face it, we're all gonna have to get the vaccine by force sooner or later if we don't wanna resort to Perelman-tier social isolation. There is no way to falsify the vac card ID number when your employer asks for it so the only way we can avoid getting fucked over is to neutralize the vaccine as soon as it enters the body.

My plan is as follows
>buy a shit ton of diuretics
>stuff a ball under my arm when getting the jab
>tie a string around it above the inyection site as fast as possible
>drive to the nearest blood drive
>have them succ the poison for free
>take a couple of diuretics and down two or three bottles of water
Will this work? What would you do, /sci/? The elites may think they have the upper hand but they have severely underestimated the resolve of us schizos.
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No.13509555 ViewReplyOriginalReport
based Erwin.

He hated cats.
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No.13508787 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the reason vehicle batteries are either 12V or 24V?
The only thing I could find was that lead-acid cells are 2V each but that still doesn't explain why the 6 and 12 cells.
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No.13509362 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Autism causes vaccines
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2020/2021 US Death Stats

No.13509384 ViewReplyOriginalReport
5.2M deaths
600k from COVID
550k from pneumonia
300k from COVID+pneumonia
860k from COVID or pneumonia or influenza

5% of COVID deaths have only COVID on the death certificate, whereas the remaining 95% have other co-morbidities.

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(48 replies)


No.13502125 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone explain the logic behind this:


>We know that some people who have COVID don’t mount an immune response at all. We also know that some people get reinfected and that some people who have gotten reinfected have gotten quite sick. Yes, he (Senator Paul) will have some immunity, but there is good data that you will have better immunity if you get a vaccine

>The first is that the antibody levels after vaccination are much higher than the antibody levels after natural infection. And higher antibody levels are usually associated with a longer duration of protection
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(20 replies)

Studying causes hair-loss

No.13509074 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Or at least, bald people are better learners.

Here is the evidence:
>"Brain-derived nerve factor and neurotrophins in androgenetic alopecia"
>Balding and nonbalding scalp specimens were collected from four men with pattern
>Brain-derived nerve factor (BDNF) protein expression was upregulated by approximately 12-fold in supernatants obtained from balding as compared with nonbalding DP cells
>Expression of neurotrophin-3 and of ?-nerve growth factor was also upregulated. >On the other hand, protein expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 and its binding proteins as well as of the vascular endothelial growth factor family were significantly downregulated in the balding scalp.
>"Brain growth linked to baldness"
>Their earlier research showed that when mice lost hair, there was a high concentration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) around their follicles.
>For the new study, the team genetically-engineered mice to produce excess quantities of both the factors.
>They found that the mice shed their hair abnormally early.
>In mice engineered to produce neither factor, hair took longer than normal to fall out.

There is more research, but all the more telling is that, Semax, a popular Russian drug among the nootropic community, which artificially increases BDNF substantially, is noted to cause hairloss in people with no previous problems with hair loss.
Many such cases.
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(5 replies)
No.13506268 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why didn't pharma companies release a classic proteinbased vaccine like Novavax first? Why? I don't understand this. Why start with something new instead using old proven technology.