Just got 121 in an online IQ test, should I just drop my STEM career?
If someone has a good scientific argument against online IQ test, this is the time. I need to cope.
>Some new flu comes around that kills 10% of people over 85 >World stops at its tracks, billions are spent, thousands of scientists work together to come with solutions
hmmmm >"World is ending because of climate guys millions will die hundreds of millions will be displaced blablabla" >No violent protests >No sabotage >No terrorism >No assasinations >No rioting >No large international collition of solidarity between researchers to finance and man labs looking for a solution to atmospheric C02 >Just bitching on twitter, having literal 11 year olds white kids march in developed countries capitals and acting holier than thou
People who believe in climate change dont actually believe in climate change, they think they do but their actions show that they dont
Remember the mess that happened when Irish people got mad at the UK because of some bullshit? bombs everywhere, militias, international drama
But the word is ending and nobody even dares to throw an egg at a politician, this is literally impossible, this aint human behavior so the logical explanation is that scientists dont believe what they say
You can cope all you want that the reason climate change is not taken seriously is because of chuds, corruption, religious nuts, schizos,etc but at the end of the day the people signaling the populace that nothing is happening is the scientific community
If you are really interested in Mathematics and want to contribute to correcting the course of Mathematics by liberating Mathematics from the illusion of infinity, theorems and false formulas, you should send a message that reads as follows to the International Mathematical Union:
By post office:
International Mathematical Union Secretariat
Hausvogteiplatz 11A
10117 Berlin, Germany
"Mathematics is an exact sciences, not an abstract, and research in the history of Mathematics and the philosophy of Mathematics leads to the conclusion that the correct logic of Mathematics rejects infinity."
-Mohamed Ababou-
Think about it, the opioid epidemic has killed hundreds of thousands of people in America, perpetuated by the pharmaceutical industry, and the government has done absolutely nothing to stop it.
Now I'm supposed to believe they give a shit about "covid"?