Threads by latest replies - Page 30

(50 replies)

Why wouldn't this work?

No.14418208 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mirrors to reflect sunlight to boil and desalinate ocean water.
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(22 replies)

Why you should quit science

No.14419724 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If your yearly pay is 100k and you work 50 hours then you're getting 41 an hour. If your pay is 100k but you're working 80 hours a week then your pay is 26 an hour. This is bad.

In science you have to concentrate more but you don't get as much money as in business. So basically while business people are chilling and getting 80k while sitting in meetings and making PowerPoint, the science guy is getting 60k and he has to deal with boring stuff. More people should ditch science to make it more lucrative, and make it's salary 10%-20 higher than everything else.

Till then it's not worth it.

I've just been picked up by a consulting firm before graduation, instead of continuing to do a PhD.

You should too
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(30 replies)
No.14424639 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(41 replies)

Real Analysis

No.14418426 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any decent real analysis books suitable for self study that don't assume previous exposure to calculus?
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(25 replies)


No.14426064 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(11 replies)

where I can find books online

No.14423966 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i need books for my bachelor thesis where can i find them online? the topic is banking
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(12 replies)
No.14424460 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it true that all these medicines we have to keep retards and the people with inheritable genetic diseases Alive is making us more dysgenic? Or does it not work like that?
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No.14426327 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does this happen to white women?
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No.14424466 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Tell me /sci/
How am I supposed to take IQ seriously when it puts me in the 95th percentile.
t. flunked high school math thrice
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(80 replies)

Pluto is a planet

No.14423494 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
75 posts and 11 images omitted