Threads by latest replies - Page 2951

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No.13541658 ViewReplyOriginalReport
mask bad?
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No.13539277 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this guy legit? Is his cause for concern plausible?
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No.13542630 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey anons, tell us some paradoxes that don't mention infinity
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No.13542897 ViewReplyOriginalReport
so does anyone know how drugs work actually?

I mean if the difference between serotonin and dmt is primarily a single carbon atom pair then I would imagine it have something to do with a corresponding ligand in the post-synaptic cleft?

I think I remember reading that no one really knows what the agent of neurotransmitter reuptake is. does that mean no one knows how drugs work?
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No.13535436 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How did you develop self discipline? Do you have a special technique/ritual to get you to be productive? I need to stop procrastinating anons.
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No.13540763 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are you still believing in the feather hoax?
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No.13542891 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how was bin laden able to predict the future so accurately /sci/?
was he a scientist?
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Psychology of fear

No.13541834 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking why are people not afraid of bad habits that they know can harm or kill them (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, bad diet etc) but are so afraid of vaccines?
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