Threads by latest replies - Page 2769

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No.13602692 ViewReplyOriginalReport
University is a marxist scam, dude. Imagine willingly subjecting yourself to years of cultural marxist indoctrination just to end up wageslaving as a hunchback in a cubicle 12 hours a day and still earn less than a tradechad. This is why I took the tradepill, once I become a plumber I'll probably earn more, work less, be healthier and be smarter than (((college)))-educated types.
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/sfg/ - Space Flight General: RUD Edition

No.13599404 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous: >>13596206

big boom
554 posts and 144 images omitted
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Becoming a mathematician at 23

No.13602674 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /sci/, is it still possible to become a mathematician at 23? I've an economics graduate and a polyglot but math has always bugged me because proofs were always a headache so now that I graduate I want to finally master all of mathematics
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No.13602422 ViewReplyOriginalReport
scientifically speaking, why can some asian women be cute while all asian men are ugly orcs?
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No.13601533 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, how does one live a good life?
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No.13602386 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do we know the current universe is matter-dominated?
All we can measure from other galaxies are the electromagnetic radiation from high energy events, and we cna infer their mass from their gravitational interaction, right? But in these matters, antimatter is expected to behave no differently from matter (it emits the same photons, it interacts gravitationally the same way with itself and with matter, etc.)
So, how do we rule out that distant galaxies, or distant clusters, or distant filaments aren't actually composed of antimatter, and we can't detect any annihilations due to the low density of the intergalactic medium?
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No.13601957 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why "science" support abusing and perform experiments on little kids?
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No.13596205 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>do you mind if I, uh...ask a ridiculous question? What is it, that you consider, to be the meaning of life?
13 posts and 2 images omitted