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Scammed by high education

No.13602456 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it normal to feel scammed and fooled after graduating from college? Does it get better with time? Will I see some rewards after a while?

Graduated 1 year ago and it feels like a massive waste of time and effort. If I could go back in time I wont ever step in uni.

Btw Im not talking about jobs and opportunities. I dont see improvements in my knowledge and intelligence. Talking to people who didnt go to college I dont see differences, on topics that matter. Sure these people wont be able to size a batch reator or develop a fourier expansion to simulate heat exchange on a 2D metal bar. Who cares anyway?

On topics that matters, I cant really tell which was the contribution from college. I feel like most of my wisdow comes from aging and life experiences. Havent I wasted time in college, today, I would have similar knowledge/wisdow just because I have aged.
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No.13602943 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you guys believe in covid lol?
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What is the science behind excessive blinking?

No.13601780 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13601995 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm scared of mushrooms. They can easily destroy all humans and conquer the planet. Are you ready for mushroom millennia?
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No.13593924 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would it be dumb to major in physics? Physics has always interested me from an existential standpoint, but I hear that all of the money is in computer science. Thoughts? I could always major in CS and minor in physics.
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(15 replies)

fundamental dream of algebra

No.13598977 ViewReplyOriginalReport
you now have 10 seconds to justify why we even attempt to 'teach' the FTA in high school when it is an eternal cope to equations not having exact solutions.

Hell you cant even understand the proof unless you already know discs and group theory
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(5 replies)
No.13602608 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Prepare to get the vaccines all over again once the Omega variant gets released on June 1st, 2022.

All jobs will require that you receive an additional 3 shots because the Omega variant is immune to all previous vaccines and it's 10 times as transmissible. Be sure to have plenty of masks because they will become required again too.
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No.13603011 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I passed the exam of Genetics and Molecular Biology (med school) one grade above the bare minimum.
this makes me the most experienced here. kneel
(62 replies)

Scientifically speaking why do cats hate me?

No.13583734 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Everytime I try to touch a cat outside they always give me a hiss like picrel (also happens with housecats)
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