Threads by latest replies - Page 2714

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Laboratory analyst

No.13617442 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Got a job interview for a laboratory. What am I in for?
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No.13617830 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Based as fuck

>This observational study showed an increased mortality risk in transgender people using hormone treatment, regardless of treatment type. This increased mortality risk did not decrease over time. The cause-specific mortality risk because of lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV-related disease, and suicide gives no indication to a specific effect of hormone treatment, but indicates that monitoring, optimising, and, if necessary, treating medical morbidities and lifestyle factors remain important in transgender health care.
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how to eat

No.13619228 ViewReplyOriginalReport
scientifically speaking what is the right way to eat?

mormons say no hot liquid, chinese say no liquid with food as it imbalances the acid.

Some foods I know to just stay away from to feel better. Cheese is supposed to make you constipated but desu I feel better "constipated" then when other foods make me shit immediately

I think eating once a day in the middle of the day is best

no clue how this image got on my pc
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Ethics Prof Posted This

No.13614625 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do humanties cucks really introduce themselves like this? I just need this class for my bachelors, I didn't think they'd send us to the Final Boss of Smelling your own Farts

Hi there,
here's a short introduction to me... I am a white male, born 1965, in New Zealand. I immigrated to Canada as a student in 1988. I received my Ph.D. in philosophy from McGill university in 1996 and wrote about "mental causation". Although I intended to be a scholar in the history of German philosophy I discovered that I am not good at learning I flipped back to contemporary debates...

My current philosophical interests involve free will and determinism (I have a book length manuscript ready for a publisher to reject) and the history of wonder and teleology. I have published several papers on diverse topics, mostly in metaphysics, so I continue to write and publish slowly.

I read philosophy and poetry (old and new) for pleasure and enjoy the history of science (geology) and the history of ideas too. I love old books and antiques. I attempt nature photography - I always hope to run into a bear to get a photo - I love dogs (I have two) and I am married to a Quebecois woman named Anouk!

Generally, I think I have a sense of humour, (I enjoy "dark" humour) and although being very "high-brow" in my education, I do enjoy some fairly "low brow" humour and television.
My parents listened only to classical music so I know and love classical music but was enthralled as a teenager with the new radical music called "punk" and then "rap" in the late 80's.
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Sticky tape Xrays

No.13616247 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can I make strong enough xrays with sticky tape to harm myself or others?
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The Supernatural Thread

No.13620918 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Supernatural ~ The supernatural encompasses supposed phenomena or entities that are not subject to the laws of nature. It is derived from Medieval Latin supernaturalis, from Latin super- + natura. Though the term "nature" has had multiple meanings since the ancient world, the term "supernatural" emerged in the medieval period and did not exist in the ancient world.

Exotic Vacuum Objects
Excess heat
Vacuum Energy
Zero point mathamatics
Coherent Matter
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(34 replies)
No.13620535 ViewReplyOriginalReport
can science explain this?
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No.13620863 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>almost 5 month nofap
>as low energy as usual
Scientifically speaking, when will the energy boost kicks in?