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No.13625715 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
if you can find an irrational number that exist betwen 0.9999... and 1
does that mean 0.999... != 1 ?
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No.13634677 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why is race and IQ considered taboo science in the west? Are there any legitimate refutations?
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Why is race a social construct?

No.13636794 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Serious question: what does it mean when articles say stuff like "modern science regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society."

How can race not exist biologically? Aren't blacks of darker color because of their biology? Why is it a social construct? Are there any articles that still consider biological races or is it entirely discredited?
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No.13636787 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is working out while pregnant a good idea? How does it biologically affects the woman?
If not at how many weeks of pregnancy should women stop working out?
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No.13631517 ViewReplyOriginalReport
At the peak of Mt. Dunning Kruger King Phil Mason reigns supreme
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No.13634675 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do parents love their mixed race children as much as they would their monoracial children?
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Average age of parenthood and paradox

No.13636826 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The average age a father has children is higher than for a mother. If we trace your lineage back 10 generations the purely matrimonal line doesn't go as far back as the patrimonal (say ~285 years vs ~315). It appears paradoxically that, in a fixed time period, you have more male than female ancestors.
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No.13636773 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i had someone tell me i should'nt wait for Novavax because its more important to not trust smler and newer companies, and trust big corporations like Pfizer.

why are so many people gaslighting us into taking a vaccine we don't want? what happened to freedom of choice? oh wait....
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No.13636695 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is the Biden administration forcing Americans to get vaccines that scientists all agree are not needed?
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