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A potential relationship between pentaprisms and the fourth dimension

No.13641865 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could pentaprisms have an interesting property in the fourth dimension?

A pentaprism is a five-sided reflecting prism used to deviate a beam of light by a constant 90°, even if the entry beam is not at 90° to the prism. The beam reflects inside the prism twice, allowing the transmission of an image through a right angle without inverting it (that is, without changing the image's handedness) as an ordinary right-angle prism or mirror would.

I was thinking that it is an efficient way of giving light chirality in higher dimensions just like hexagons are efficient at filling space in two dimensions.
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No.13636485 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can /sci/ lucid dream?
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No.13640181 ViewReplyOriginalReport
30.2% of hospitalized covid patients are pregnant. Schizos who think the jab will effect fertility btfo, covid is clearly much more harmful in that regard
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Climate Issue

No.13641369 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So all the CO2 measurements that we use to make the climate models come from Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii.
>CO2 measurement
>from an active volcano
Am I missing something here? Volcanos put off a lot of carbon dioxide gas, is that taken into account when making measurements?
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Riemann Zeta T-Shirt

No.13642176 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13640368 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /sci/ make of this?
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No.13641620 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it true drinking milk makes you gay?
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No.13641659 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Question 4. is really pissing me off because it doesn't consider that arteries can stretch and contract.
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No.13640213 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If anti-vaxxers are so paranoid about the current vaccines, why don't they just make they own?
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