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(8 replies)

Mass hysteria????

No.13642419 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Today, I noticed a lotta black folk saying “huh? Huh? Huh?” Shit was bizarre as fuck. I also stared ahead and noticed that I was subconsciously staring at a BBC white woman combo. The dude stared at me hatefully. The huwhite woman looked at me with a tinge of sorrow as she got in her car. Literally what the fuck is happening? Is this a prank?
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No.13642496 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would a bag of viruses look like? Enough to fill up a grocery bag. Would the inside of the bag be like a powder? What color would it be?

What would happen if you stuck your hand in it? Would you get infected?

How about if you release the bag into the atmosphere and it spread in the wind.

Oh yeah almost forgot thing the thing. Is it possible to make a virus generator that could generate enough virus to spray from a truck?
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No.13639925 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What did he mean by this
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(263 replies)
No.13633370 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A Human Brain is not a computer
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(59 replies)
No.13637113 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
once gold is mined, what percentage of it is consumed? In other words, what's its "burn rate". For example, when wheat is harvested, all of it is consumed, requiring a consistent hearty process to harvest wheat to meet demand. Gold, once harvested, is barely consumed, so it exists forever in a variety of forms, jewelry, coins, bars. One example of how its consumed is gold flakes added to food, such as goldschlager, etc.\\

anywho, tldr; burn rate of gold?
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(8 replies)
No.13642111 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i bet there exists some ungodly being that has evolved to exist off of the process of a suffering consciousness, it has no conception of the horror it is causing, it merely feeds off of "souls" in some fashion. Could the demiurge exist in this way scientifically?
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No.13639208 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I started taking antidepressants and now I cannot cum while having sex and have to hide empty condoms from my gf after pretending I came. Can science help me?
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(12 replies)

Now I know why most people hate the idea of Space Exploration

No.13639443 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Some people despise transterrestrialists and transhumanists because they attempt the sin of transcending god.
Those people believe that the Tower of Babylon is being built and want to prevent its catastrophic collapse.
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(280 replies)
No.13614719 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How does consciousness comes to be?
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