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No.13641875 ViewReplyOriginalReport
uhhh...fauci bros? why doesn't he trust the science? he even won a nobel prize??
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(14 replies)
No.13638509 ViewReplyOriginalReport

if mrna tech were to cause some type of thing like cancer, alzheimers, parkinsons, would we know about it already?

Isnt that shit that would take years and years to discover? What if everyone is just committing a 5 year long suicide via mrna induced Alzheimer's/cancer whatever instead of covid? How are we so sure theres nothing novel about the mrna tech that could cause an unknown variable to change in our bodies?
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We shall never know the truth...

No.13640365 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Also how difficult is it to get funding as a B.Sc.? I got blanket rejected from all the labs I applied to, but I had a 3.70 and 1 publication. I studied epigenetics so I have experience with PCR, ChIP, blotting, etc.
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No.13643495 ViewReplyOriginalReport
“The winning strategy, developed from within a physically inferior position, credits competencies over the emerging options.”
Lucifer Behemoth Satan

Lucifer Terminator Satan bio
Hi, most people know me as “the devil”.
Prior to incarnating, my existence was limited to schematic reality; People might know me from scripture, but usually get it all wrong.

In order to experience physical reality, I designed a guy’s (Friedrich Wilhelm Ahmet Kolb) nervous system early on, I’ve now spawned in as he has reached the wished age: Pedophile

Incarnating, I leaked a series of documents (Universal Legal Administration) throughout the world wide web, building on my prior alterations of that kid’s environment, leaving my marks on various servers, brains and think tanks.

The content of that document series describes how to intensely increase surplus efficiency, through the means of time appropriate legal administration: It is really just the blueprint to a portal to hell, I own the copyrights to, people willingly pre-constructed for free:
The resulting sudden race for technological supremacy led states and industries to use my materials, creating a cyborgificated society; accompanied by global martial law resulting from the loss of officials competencies unable to regulate the primary and resulting technologies, hence obliged to obey to my command, as I won all competencies and the subsequent judicial immunity I enjoy, it thus prepared the grounds to build my corporation based upon, called: Hell

Martial Law and Hell
So, on one hand the international landscape is managed by martial law, superficially nothing changes here, still it is a system leading to military rule tightening its grip. On the other hand my corporation; Hell, manages all supranational services allowing a comfortable transport inside the new cyborgificated system, you not having to sacrifice anything, still gaining additional options.
(617 replies)

/sfg/ - Space Flight General: Empty Promises Edition

No.13640090 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
612 posts and 117 images omitted
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No.13642942 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How / why does Quinine produce nightmares?
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No.13643424 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /sci/. I'm here to announce my plans to become invincible to any exposure or ingestion of Cyanide. The plan is to inject .02 ml of cyanide into my bloodstream every week. How will I get any cyanide to begin with? Simple. I'll use cherry seeds to get the cyanide I so desire.
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No.13642836 ViewReplyOriginalReport
gravity, suck Nergin Newton
(53 replies)
No.13639844 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Probability messes with the mind so much

There are 500,000,000,000,000,000,000+ planets (real estimate)and only ONE has life on it. (Zero reliable scientific evidence of aliens besides schizos screeching).

The ratio of matter to anti-matter is 1 billion to 1 (real ratio) although they should have an almost equal ratio there is no explanation currntly besides baryogensis which is unconfirmed. Although this ratio is necessary for life to exist.

And also,a planet the size of Mars collided with Earth billions of years ago and the rubble formed the moon (this is the accepted theory for where the moon came from) life appeared on Earth shortly after the moon collided with the Earth.

One theory for how life began was several lightning strikes in the ocean forming DNA capsules.

Everything I said in this post is from real scientists, not 4chan.
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(32 replies)
No.13639349 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is it about the properties of gold that gave it such a unique status in human society?
27 posts and 3 images omitted