Threads by latest replies - Page 2636

(21 replies)
No.13643860 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I dont have covid but I'm taking Ivermectin for preventative measure. Is it safe to take it after drinking alcohol?
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(37 replies)
No.13641587 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>The vaccines should have gone through the normal development cycle. COVID is nowhere near deadly enough to justify rushing
Is there a scientific refutation to this, Reddit?
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No.13641532 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi all. Did electricity done economy of natural sources? Is interesting, did electricity are able functionalities without natural sources?
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Mathematics of support and resistance

No.13645583 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are they actual things or are they just statistical illusion that appear from randomness?
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No.13645560 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay so fuck all these space threads, that's just bait for the plebs.
>"Weeeeee I'm flying a minecraft plane" LMAO who cares?

The next step is obviously becoming a self-aware, pseudo-biological, super computer capable of self-duplication, 3D printing etc.
So how do we, as scientists, get there?
(26 replies)
No.13644050 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why did no one ever tell me there was a classical derivation for the spectral lines of hydrogen?
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No.13643302 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>ventilators kill
Is there some truth to this? Are there so-called covid deaths which are actually ventilator deaths? Do countries where people weren't massively put on ventilators have lower covid death rates?
(27 replies)
No.13634386 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me, writing a science fiction story
>Know that 4th dimensional faster than light is too much for mass market
>Story skims over the explanation to give the functional details
>ie this thing is approaching us, help will arrive in 4 weeks
>Go over my story with my father
>He gets annoyed that the FTL explanation is unclear
>I explain to him verbally how FTL works, because I do actually have a fleshed out explanation
>He gets annoyed that he can't understand it (it's a hair's breadth different from basic wormholes)
>I do the pencil-through-paper wormhole explanation
>He still doesn't get it, also doesn't undrstand relativistic mechanics
>He now can't enjoy the book because he doesn't understand a few technical details
>mfw the perspective character never even uses FTL, they just hang around the one star fighting

Am I wrong to think the average sci-fi reader knows what a wormhole is? I thought the average person, let alone the average person with a college degree, had at some point been told what a wormhole was.

An Alcubierre drive is one thing to not understand, and I'm sure there are even more esoteric ideas on how to circumvent the speed limit.
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(108 replies)

>smartest man in the world

No.13642644 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>be me
>one of the smartest people on earth
>trivially abstract all of reality at the age of 5
>become depressed immediately after
>spend 14 years being bored
>be right now
>19 years old
>so bored out of my fucking mind
If anyone is smarter than me they can offer a solution. Step one of being smart: make other people do things for you. Unfortunately I'm both the autistic and sociopathic kind of genious, my thoughts are barely comprehendible to my lowly gorilla nigger ape brain because sadly I'm human. I'll probably be banned soon by the tranny jannies because I said the forbidden nigger word.
>inb4 brainlet responses: you choose the meaning of life, the eye of the beholder, being LE GOOD GOY, an hero, etc.
you're all basically fucking nematodes compared to me, so I'm not expecting much. But it's like poking a writhing thing, it's kind of funny.
also go ahead and ask the smartest man anything.
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