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(5 replies)
No.14391743 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Perturbation bomb
my dream is to somehow create this via abusing the most energy we can "create" in this universe, above fission and fusion even. The entropic flux

The perturbation

To abuse this would be immense energy
AKA a bomb (or power plant)
(5 replies)

Homebrew braces

No.14394037 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright I've been researching and studying dental work and ways for awhile now and I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on this shitshow on ice.
Someone, anyone give me any last minute advice, books, tips or tricks for dental work I can learn from. Reasons being I'm poor and don't feel like coughing up 3k for braces or invisilines made by old fart dentists that could care less.
(5 replies)

How to just buy a degree?

No.14393892 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm looking for a shortcut and just want to buy a degree. I only need it for working abroad visas. Is there a way to combine schooling and work experience to just flat out get a degree? IDGAF what it's in.

I just finished a year of comp sci at university and it's the most mind-numbing boring shit I've ever done with my life (I'm aways 30% over the class average, even in the 300 level classes). I have a 2-year associate's diploma in communication infrastructure and have worked for about 3 years in telecom and programming software applications for the medical field.

Is there a way to turn that two year diploma, that 30 credits of university, and those 3 years into some random generic bachelor of technology or some shit?

Why do I want it? The midwits need an appeal to authority so a bachelor's gets me through HR gatekeepers, I wanna have fun teaching English in SEA and need a bachelor's.
(6 replies)
No.14393913 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>paper claims experiment was conducted under NTP conditions
>check lab adress
>lab is not at sea level

Surprisingly this issue has been overlooked for centuries.
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(17 replies)

Why does it need to be quiet in a library?

No.14390810 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why can't people just filter out whatever noise is being made, why does it bother them instead?
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!!IuuVuD1WWdT (14 replies)

You Wouldn't Patent the°Sun

!!IuuVuD1WWdT No.14392829 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hypothesis of Velocity-Induced Ionization of Matter at Peri-Relativistic Velocities and Supplement to Hypothesis of Electron Charge Depletion Cycles with Temperature as Culprit in Charge Depletion. Assignment of Electrical Flow, Temperature, and Velocity as Discrete Physical Dimensions

One assumption in need of review in our standard model of physics are the dynamics of electrons, as made clear in several recent publications of mine. One particular assumption troublesome in my mind is that the behavior of matter within particle accelerators that is magnetically driven will be consistent with the dynamics of the same matter when accelerated to relativistic velocities outside of a magnetic field using conventional propulsion. These dynamics have not been properly considered, much less observed, due to our apparent inability to accelerate a spacecraft, for example, to such a velocity. Given that we already understand that intense magnetic fields actually energize orbiting electrons pushing them into higher-energy orbits, up to and including the Extreme Quantum Limit in recent experiments, we cannot possibly expect electrons orbiting atoms propelled conventionally to behave in a way that is consistent with their behavior within accelerators, nor in a way consistent with their behavior at rest. Electrons orbiting atoms conventionally propelled to relativistic speeds must then have a third set of behaviors that is distinct from those observed under the other two conditions I mentioned.
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(5 replies)

Electronics Repair Guide Checklist

No.14393862 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've watched tons of videos from people going from Louis Rossman to NorthridgeFix, but is there any sort of PDF guide for various types of electronics repair I could read that would help me more proficient in electronics repair? I've read a lot about the physics of electricity and electronics, and I've only done a bit of soldering, but I still don't even have things like a stereo microscope or a thermal camera, but I want to learn the details of advanced electronics repair. Are there any necessary books I should be aware of?
(65 replies)


No.14388446 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does anyone know have enough scientific knowledge to debunk this ReasonTV YouTube video?
The guy in the video claims that the social sciences can't predict the affects of gun legislation one way or the other and that most of the studies that claim to are actually flawed and even extremely biased but honestly this is really hard to believe. Literally everybody else disagrees with this literal who so I'm wondering if you any of you guys are able to fact check this guy's claims and debunk them. Thanks :)
60 posts and 13 images omitted
(14 replies)
No.14392357 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will democrats and liberals ever admit that equality destroyed STEM?
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(31 replies)

What is the latest scientific research on hair loss?

No.14389351 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any new exciting treatment options on the horizon?

I have been hearing a lot about hair cloning. What's the progress on that?

Also, I'm hearing of new methods that introduce competitive androgens to latch onto DHT receptors in hair follicles to prevent miniaturization. What's going on with that?
26 posts and 5 images omitted