Threads by latest replies - Page 145

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No.14393761 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this the future of space launches, or is NASA just building really dope ass carnival rides in their spare time?
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The hardest math problem

No.14359963 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Try to come up with the hardest math problem that you possibly can. But it has to be original, not Riemann Hypothesis for example. I will start.

>what is the exact average distance between two random points inside of a dodecahedron with a unit side length
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(26 replies)

Self-Studying Physics

No.14386484 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Comp sci tard here that wants to self-study physics. Finishing Calc 1 this semester, what's a good calc-based physics book to begin with? What prereq knowledge should I have? is picrel good because all answers are available on quizlet which would make self-studying practical.
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No.14393588 ViewReplyOriginalReport
does anyone know how to replicate a gambling high without actually gambling? stocks and crypto are in a bear market and my happiness has basically collapsed this year, my life feels incomplete without easy gains.

am i already fucked up?
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No.14393233 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Astronomy /sci/ientists,

Is there a word for the point on the moon, closest to the Earth, with the least amount of movement during lunar libration?

Where is that point located?
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No.14393395 ViewReplyOriginalReport
SSRIs have 100% removed my sex drive. Is this going to be bad moving forward?
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No.14392388 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw another student just emailed me and asked for an extension on xir homework due to ADHD
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Goldhofer Self-Propelled Transports

No.14393818 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is anyone super interested in big machines? I've been scouring this company for two days now. Just think of the engineering prowess you need to make this shit work, much less when these units are linked
(5 replies)

Future of health science and it's current state.

No.14394055 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I feel that research and development on matters in healthcare are being squandered by capitalism and the need for profits. If profits did not matter in healthcare There's no telling how far humans could go with regards to research and development for new treatments and cures for common ailments. Instead companies, especially profit hungry pharmaceutical companies, Have created droves of people that consume pills that line the pockets of fat cats. I genuinely believe that money has no place in this world. Having said that I don't have a suitable system in mind to change that, But I feel like the world would be a better place if healthcare had nothing to do with money. The sick could receive treatment had research and development could be prioritized, instead modern companies withhold their intellectual property from each other because their matters of profit and gain.

I'm deeply saddened to be part of this world in its current state and I hope that one day things will change but until then we're all fucked.

I hope that one day everybody's wellness is a priority for all.