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Intersectionality Interview

No.14394311 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My name is Aron. I’m a psychology student at the VUB and recently I’ve got an assignment where I have to interview a person that is intersectionaly part of at least two minority groups. You could be in the minority on the following dimensions:
• Gender
• Sexual orientation
• Skin color
• Ethnicity
• Nationality
• Class
• Culture
• Religion
• Healthiness situation
• Age
• Residence status
• Possession
• Origin
• Social development
Are you part of a minority group on at least two axes? Than you are the person I’m searching for and you can send an e-mail to
The interview itself will be very informal and unstructured. The only goal I have is to get insight into your life and the struggles that come along with it.
Of course, your data will be kept anonymous and everything will be confidential.
I’m already looking forward to it!
Aron Branckaert
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No.14391526 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the radius?
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Minimum cut length?

No.14392531 ViewReplyOriginalReport
After a big cut (20kg lost) I approached sub 15% for the first time of my life, but I was having health problems. Mainly zero energy (doing the dishes tired me like a big pussy) and wounds no healing. After some weeks living like that, I decided to stop a go for two weeks of maintenance. Today I am finishing my first maintenance week and I feel like I have superpowers (energy is back, sex is back, stronger lifts, wounds healing...). So I am planning to take my next cut as minimal as possible. Could I see results with a small cut like 2-3 weeks? Reducing calories to lose 0.75% of my weight per week (~560 below TDEE). I will follow with another 2 weeks of maintenance before going again for a short cut. Is this doable? Do you have similar experiences? Is there any way to improve it?
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No.14393508 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if Paranthropus robustus was still alive would we allow them to coexist with us like chimpanzees?
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No.14394824 ViewReplyOriginalReport
According to science, women are all psychologically driven by penis envy, the sole motivating factor in their inevitably unfulfilling lives is terminal dissatisfaction with having been born penisless as well as anger at those who were born fully intact and a desire for revenge.
Given that this is the case, it should be an just academic matter to figure out how to maneuver someone so rigidly fixated on one philosophy and aspect of life into doing just about anything, no matter how stupid. Anything, as long as it was in the context of penis envying (wanting but not having), should always be appealing to them.
What I'd like to us is use this framework of knowledge to construct a pattern of interaction with them that results in me getting my dick sucked, so far the best I've come up with is
>Hay baby, I heard u envy penis, u wanna play with mine for a while?
and I'm wondering if the big brains science experts on this board could engineer a better approach which still adheres to the penis envy principal
(55 replies)
No.14388291 ViewReplyOriginalReport
kinda disturbing how people can lose large chunks of their brains and still be mostly functional innit?
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No.14393065 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I didn't do well in my linear algebra exam today.
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No.14382050 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So what's the verdict after all these years? Racist pseudoscience or the harsh truth?
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No.14379797 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
why do you think they did it /sci/?
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No.14388352 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
There is a curious fact about some women who are happy staying single and running out of their fertility window instead of settling for a "lesser" man. I wonder is this is a faillure of the biological programing. Women are meant to hypergamous as in they are supposed to select the best option available. Does this rule also say "stay single and let your genes die if nobody makes the cut"?
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