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No.14397215 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Adjusting for income/social status and parental IQ, are children who grow up in cities far higher IQ than their country/suburb peers?

It seems stimulation of cities fosters high IQ, keeps a mental quickness and triggers openness to experience. A small child may hear 100 different languages growing up etc.

Children who are homeschooled have far higher rates of social problems/autism, poor social skills etc too... So more contact with people seems to be beneficial. I suspect being isolated means you're more likely to deviate way from the norm, but actually cities are more tolerant so may enable that.

If we consider the premier city, London to its surrounding areas.
>50% of the inhabitants have masters degrees or more making an higher iq environment/peers
>the average teacher is better educated and has a more specific degree to the subject
>obviously vastly more opportunities for activities/experiences
>diverse peer group, 50% foreign born keeps the mind from conforming/autopilot, also more danger and risk to deal with each day
>high traffic, low compassion, competitive environment keeps the child from being coddled, and is exposed to cutthroat business/serious professionals instead of farmers/retirees/losers who can't afford to live in cities or aren't educated enough
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No.14398111 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Out of 6 phd programs, only 1 (the backup one) accepted me. Any advice on how to cope?
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No.14394934 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Some reddit faggot just said the dinosaurs died exactly on this day today 65 million years ago. Is this true?
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Sugar is bad ?

No.14390934 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Don't do sugar, because sugar is bad.
But i really really really like it.

Me: been on die few weeks. Lost some weight, feel better. But I really miss eating junk food. Walking past the sugar drinks section it was really hard not to pick a bottle of coke yesterday. I really wanted it. It makes me feel good.

Being overweight and eating a like pig was awesome for the time being. Garlic bread with cheese, coke and chips - this is what makes me happy for the day.

Eating healthy and being a good boy. Is it all worth it?
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No.14398069 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My dick is all red and swollen and hurts every day, and its impossible to masturbate. Is it possible i got this shit from a whore i fucked in condom a month ago? I never felt any problem after that, no pain until 2 hours ago. Are there venerical diseases that work like that? LIterally my first fucking too
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No.14398044 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is this accurate, mathematically speaking?
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Anti aging supplements

No.14397320 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does NMN and Metformin actually work?
Is David Sinclair a hack or based?
15 posts and 2 images omitted