Threads by latest replies - Page 121
Anonymous (16 replies)
Is "light cancelling" a thing, similar to noise cancelling?
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>>14400322 this is explained trivially classically.
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>>14400494 But depending on your perspective the arc at segment B can be two different lengths, therefore its all random!
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>>14399309 >ultra red light >ultra blue light
Anonymous (14 replies)
Greetings /sci/, bit of a newfag here. Lately I've been wanting to independently study physics, but have no experience with reading or annotating on books (or advanced physics), so I would appreciate it if you could recommend me some beginner-level books which cover the topic properly.
Bonus if it has useful diagrams/analoguies and is under $50.
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>>14396498 Download a basic/elementary textbook from libgen, then if you are really interested go for something more recent/advanced/specialized. Don't waste your money on a LARP.
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>>14397363 > I'd suggest using either his or Kroc's problem book as well Just realized this auto-correct error. It's Krotov
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>>14396534 Based on the replies I assume you're Indian? Are (translated) Indian texts good? Most of the ones I've checked out seem like they either function better as reference books, or are books used as preparation for a certain exam (JEET exam, I think). Also, why are there a number of old Soviet texts translated?
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>>14397617 Isn't reading the first one redundant?
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>>14396498 I can recommend University Physics with Modern Physics by Freedman and Young as an introduction. Very clear explanations and almost everything gets derived (although the calculus isn't very rigorous sometimes).
Anonymous (75 replies)
What happens there?
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>>14391301 Space is a lie, so nothing.
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YoU BeLiEvE that little animals cause disease rather than the proven FACT that disease is caused by God's will! That's what you retards sound like.
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>>14391301 Nothing, it's total mass is less than earths
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>>14393441 That's not a picture of a galaxy you idiot
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>>14391301 When the sun formed for the first time, it released a massive solar wind pulse. Everything that wasn't particularly heavy got accelerated out of the solar accretion disk. Over time all that stuff cooled down coupled with all the crap that got ejected outwards from planetary collisions and stellar impacts. This eventually formed all the asteroids, potentially hidden dwarf planets and comets that populate out there. Its mostly empty space, dust, and echoes.
Anonymous (7 replies)
Why is intelligence ultimately determined by genetics but that's not the case for sexuality?
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>>14400286 is that the reason why everyone on /sci/ has mommy issues ?
>>14400277 Criminality and intelligence being 100% genetic helps conservatives to justify violence against and exclusion of black people.
Sexuality being 100% learned helps conservatives to justify violence against and exclusion of LGBT people.
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>>14400557 >mean words = violence Ok retard
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>>14400277 A gene which straightforwardly made you gay would get quickly selected out of the population. That's why there's no such gene and being born gay is a side-effect of things that are usually beneficial, such as your mother having a strong immune system or a gene which improves fertility in women.
I suspect that the selection against transness is weaker.
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>>14400557 >intelligence being 100% genetic Intelligence is only 80% heritable, and that's in developed nations. It's less in the third world.
Anonymous (5 replies)
How much of what you believe can you actually prove? I'm not talking about advanced things either. Basic shit like
>the earth is round
>the sun is the center of the solar system
>the universe is expanding
>the holocaust happened
>bush did 9/11
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>>14398802 >proofs make something true anon I...
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>>14398802 >the holocaust happened Anonymous
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>>14398802 Nothing really, proofing a position is only momentary i guess..
I cannot even proof myself what i ate yesterday, might aswell have been a some sort of dream
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I am the master of my own reality. What I believe is true within the context of my own reality. Proofs are not necessary.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Anonymous (5 replies)
scientists plz explain
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>>14400823 You do know you can google the answer to most of your questions, right?
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>>14400823 baby boomers
fear taking hold all post-9/11ically
that feeling when you know something needs to change so you half-purposefully injure yourself to snap back to some reality/get some part of your old self back
Anonymous (32 replies)
I thought the standard model was the most accurate, most precise, most perfect theory ever created in the history of science. /sci/bros how is this possible? Did we get too cocky?
>>14400432 >in a few decades when some egghead who never kissed a girl does some math no one ever thought of before. A few decades? It's ALREADY HAPPENED. In Silicone Valley we ALREADY have the unifed equation, and standard model is not it. Not even remotely. The unified equation is only amplitudes and a qoordinate matrix- that's it. We can derive the entire standard model from 2 variables. Cannot share, obvs, but remember this. Will be public knowedge during your lifetime.
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>>14400432 >Science routinely disproves the theories and models of its forerunners. And yet it has failed to do so for the Standard model.
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>>14400517 >Silicone Valley I don't think plastic surgeons are holding the secret of the universe.
>>14399077 >scientists >mountain of tax payer money nigga
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>>14400589 Scientists: they'll whore themselves out like politicians, but their rates are way cheaper
Anonymous (26 replies)
Uh g-guys I just realized that there’s a pattern of 2+ each time you go
Always the answer is + 2 /sci/ I feel like I just cracked the source code of the universe wtf am I going to cease to exist now or something?
>>14400496 Yet more general is the following:
(n+k)+(n+k)...+(n+k)_m - n+n...+n_m = mk
For instance
3+3+3 - 1+1+1 = 3*2 = 6
8+8+8+8 - 5+5+5+5 = 4*3 = 12
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>>14400539 Wow you are a legit genius. You just cracked the code of the universe on a /sci/ thread.
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>>14400384 >Recently this board has become usable again I also noticed that. Thought I was going crazy.
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Anon discovers multiplication
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>>14400243 You are adding 2 integers together. You add 1 to each integer for each iteration which means you add two 1s to the overall sum. 1 x 2 = 2. Therefore you are adding 2 each time.
Make sure to wear your helmet and pool floaties, we've having soup for dinner.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Medically related bread, I've had this serious fucking cold on and off for 2 weeks or so
>inb4 covid i tested negative twice a week ago and today
so I figure it could just be bad allergies, not normal for me.
so I get a nettle put thing and fill it with water and put this shit that came with it in it. I figured that the filter on my fridge would be fine (BIG MISTAKE) and I used the nettle pot. HUGE amounts of snot came pouring out of my nose, I figured this was a win. I went to bed, woke up the next morning, my nose is on FIRE my sinuses ACHE my throat feels SINGED. I realized my refrigerator filter was probably not "5 micron".
So I look up the consequences of using unclean water with the nettle pot shit (squirt bottle thing in my case) and it ranges from "severe sinus infection" to "potentially fatal sepsis."
I just want to know, in /sci/'s medical professional opinion, how fucked am I?
i cannot read more than 6 words from this post either
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>>14400804 >i cannot read more than 6