Am I fucked sci?

No.14400595 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Medically related bread, I've had this serious fucking cold on and off for 2 weeks or so
>inb4 covid i tested negative twice a week ago and today
so I figure it could just be bad allergies, not normal for me.
so I get a nettle put thing and fill it with water and put this shit that came with it in it. I figured that the filter on my fridge would be fine (BIG MISTAKE) and I used the nettle pot. HUGE amounts of snot came pouring out of my nose, I figured this was a win. I went to bed, woke up the next morning, my nose is on FIRE my sinuses ACHE my throat feels SINGED. I realized my refrigerator filter was probably not "5 micron".
So I look up the consequences of using unclean water with the nettle pot shit (squirt bottle thing in my case) and it ranges from "severe sinus infection" to "potentially fatal sepsis."
I just want to know, in /sci/'s medical professional opinion, how fucked am I?